
  • 50 - Carry On, My Wayward Sonic
    Feb 16 2021

    You're a preternaturally speedy blue animal that talks, A.K.A a hedgehog. Dr. Robotnik has launched a plan to brainwash the world through his media monopoly, and it's up to you to stop him! Unfortunately, "go fast" is really the only tool in your toolbox, so good look figuring out how to leverage that in the increasingly global corporate marketplace. Will you have all your clothes stolen to no obvious end or effect? Will you experience carnal stirrings for any bats or squirrels? And will you, at any point, actually "go fast"? Hold on to your chaos emeralds, 'cause you're about to find out.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 14 min
  • 49 - Live and Let Dino
    Nov 30 2020

    A billionaire who definitely isn't John Hammond has a private island that's definitely not called Jurassic Park where he has developed a method of resurrecting dinosaurs that definitely isn't by extracting their blood from mosquitoes trapped in amber (except that it is exactly that). Anyway, your plane crashed on this island and everyone died except you and your bestest buds. Sounds like an adventure waiting to happen. If only you could find those damn dinosaurs.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min
  • 48 - Turn Down For Watson
    Nov 9 2020

    The gamebook is afoot! You're not Sherlock Holmes, in fact your very existence is a mockery of everything he represents. But when Doctor Watson is accused of murder, somebody has to crack the case, and inexplicably neither the police nor Sherlock's own brother really feel like it's worth the hassle. Will you gather the clues needed to solve the mystery? Or will you just stand there drooling on yourself as witness after witness is fruitlessly paraded by?

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • 47 - Don't Let the Days Go by, Wolverine
    Oct 5 2020

    Morrrrphhhhh! When Xavier is off vacationing in space and Cyclops is off crying in bed or something, there's no one left to command the X-Men but... well, us. We'll take on classic X-Men enemies like rec league baseball, customer service numbers, and the Roomba. Danger Roomba? Nope just a Roomba.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 7 min
  • 46 -The Rise and Fall of Zanbar Bone and the Moondogs from Port Blacksand
    Sep 21 2020

    Your search for justice has brought you to the stinkiest town on the continent. Your mission? To wander the streets having random encounters until someone tells you what your mission is. Will winning a ball tossing contest reveal your true goal? Will soaking a flower in dog blood somehow give you a sense of direction? Can you trade bodily structure for narrative structure by surrendering your bones to a night club? Probably you should have just read the preface.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min
  • 45 - Hyp-hyp-hyp Hyperspace, Hyp-hyp-Hyperspace
    Sep 8 2020

    Imagine a dimension you cannot imagine. It's like the three dimensions you're used to, except that it is distinct in every way. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of choice. And hate. But mostly choice. Infinite choice. Uncountably infinite choice, and also hate.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    56 min
  • 44 - Derning Ring of Fire
    Aug 17 2020

    Galaxy-burning wars betwixt spacefaring races. Majestic dragons with crystalline doppelgangers. Priceless glass bottles that can save the planet with a single tone.

    Also gross malnourished horses, an army of Laura Derns, excessive sexual innuendos, and an ill-fated QVC bit. You get what you pay for.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    54 min
  • 43 - Can't Touch This Dimitrius
    Aug 3 2020

    You're a spy kid! Again! This time your mission is to track down a time traveling invisible vampire who can explode like an atomic bomb. No really. But it's totally fine, because you've got a spiffy attaché case. Check and mate.

    Contact us by email at boozeyourownadventure@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min