Director of Economic Development of Heartland Energy and SD Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree sits down with SMGA President/CEO Tyler Tordsen to discuss the 2024 General Election. In this episode of Growing Places, get to know more about Senator Crabtree's background, thoughts on economic development while serving in Pierre, and a breakdown on everything you need to know about the seven ballot intitiatives and constitutional amdendments which voters will decide on Tuesday, November 5th.
Use the link below to find your polling place, view your sample ballot, or stop in your county auditor's office today!
Intro: 00:00 - 7:20
Serving in Pierre: 7:20 - 17:17
Early Voting: 17:17 - 20:00
Constitutional Amendment E: 20:38 - 22:30
Constitutional Amendment F: 22:30 - 24:20
Constitutional Amendment G: 24:20 - 26:26
Constitutional Amendment H: 26:26 - 30:44
IM 28: 30:44 - 35:38
IM 29: 35:38 - 37:40
RL21: 37:40 - 41:24
Senator Crabtree's Hidden Gem: Buffalo Trading Post
Address: 24805 457th Ave. Colton, SD