Steve Neill is well known in Hollywood production circles as one of the finest special effects artists/CGI animators in the business. Having worked closely with Gene Roddenberry, Steve is responsible for many of the breathtaking vistas and special. effects in your favorite Star Trek films and shows, as well as BeetleJuice, Arachnophobia, and a plethora of others.
Steve Neill has another aspect to his life that some may not be aware of. Steve is a life-long Experiencer of ET contact. Having been an early member of Yvonne Smith’s CERO International, Steve was one of the experiencers involved in the well known mass abduction event written about in Yvonne Smith’s stunning book, “Coronado”.
A few years ago, Steve and his wife Mary decided to go hands-on in helping other experiencers to know they are not alone, and they began a special project called Breaking The Silence.
With the encouragement of Whitley Streiber and Yvonne Smith, Steve began creating short CGI films depicting the true life accounts of experiencers.
His work is truly revolutionary; there’s really no one else doing what he does out there.
Join your host, Earl Grey Anderson, for a very special intimate interview with Steve Neill on MUFON Contact Radio!