
  • # 3- The Audacity Of It All
    Jan 19 2024


    Thank you for taking a break with me!

    Welcome back to another chatty episode, The Audacity Of It All.

    I know y'all. The audio for this episode is trash! lol As a reminder half of these episodes with just me are going to be chaos and I'm okay with that.

    For my interviews with guests or more serious episodes, I will have better audio. This is meant to be light-hearted and fun to listen to, and unfortunately that means recording on the go without the kids!

    Just a heads up! This episode is listed as explicit, but it is not. I say hell as I am telling a story and hint at some social dynamics that affect my life, but it is quite tamed.

    Anywho, thank you for taking a break with me and I hope to talk to you again soon!

    If you would like to know about upcoming topics that I am looking to have (and possibly be on the podcast) consider following me on Instagram!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakswithbrittney?igshid=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg==

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BreakswithBrittney

    YouTube Podcast Page: https://youtube.com/@breakswithbrittney?si=8XdWmfai_Ef4HleI

    Spotify Podcast Page: https://open.spotify.com/show/3rfQdinXytpZuErPBVr9vv

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaks-with-brittney/id1721672337

    Voir plus Voir moins
    8 min
  • #2 - Adulting Fail; I Don't Make These Kind of Mistakes!
    Dec 15 2023

    Chatty Episode with just me.

    I am talking about me failing at adulting! lol Enjoy my foolery and if you have a funny story you want to share on the podcast, please share it!

    Connect with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/breakswithbrittney?igshid=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg==

    Voir plus Voir moins
    8 min
  • #1 - Here Goes Nothing
    Dec 15 2023

    Hello and welcome to Breaks with Brittney!!

    I am your host Brittney Love and this podcast will be organized sanctified chaos!! 🤣

    What you can expect to get from this podcast in no particular order:

    . Scripture Reading

    . Prayer

    . Convos (chatty episodes with just me *and* interviews

    with guests)

    .YOU!!! I would love to have you read scripture or pray for whatever is on your heart! Just DM on IG or email me. Email: info@brittneylove.com or IG: https://www.instagram.com/breakswithbrittney?igshid=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg==

    Voir plus Voir moins
    5 min