
  • Z is for Zeal: maintaining excitement and passion through new leadership
    Sep 23 2021

    This is the final episode of season 2. It's been a long road, but I live by my words, and my zeal for this podcast has kept me going.

    What keeps you going? What pushed the passion? I'll talk about the importance of maintaining zeal throughout your leadership.


    A WWE legend #ultimatewarrior

    An NBA team owner #steveballmer

    My personal inspiration

    #leadership #motivation #personaldevelopment 

    Are  you ready to lead? Take this 10 item assessment. 

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    13 min
  • Y is for Youth: A Conversation with Jadon Brooks
    Jul 14 2021

    Jadon Brooks is off to a good start: At 13, he's already engaged in 3 different business ventures with no plans to stop any time soon. If you think I'm kidding, check out his fitness Instagram!

    Despite all that flex, Jadon is a very humble young one with plenty to teach, which made him a perfect person to talk with for this episode, "Y is for Youth".  I learned a lot of what I need to do next just from talking to this smart kid!

    I met Jadon through his dad Kip Brooks, whom I had a conversation with in Season 2's first episode, "A is for Anxiety", where we discussed how he overcame his own anxiety issues that were rooted in past tragedies, and created a service to help others do the same.  So it's fitting that as this season ends, Jadon will teach us about how you can allow youth to inspire you as a leader.


    Take this 10-item assessment to see if you're ready to lead!

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    26 min
  • X is for X out public self-criticism: how to be a better public speaker.
    Jun 30 2021

    If you're a new leader, expect to be a public speaker whether you like it or not.

    Yes, it can be scary. But there's one thing you absolutely MUST NOT do to make the process better:

    Stop self-criticism about public speaking!

    This short episode will help you learn how NOT to do that and what to do instead!

    Take this 10 item assessment to see if you're ready to lead!


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    7 min
  • W is for Worry
    Jun 16 2021

    Do you find yourself worrying excessively over your leadership responsibilities? Are you tired of people telling you "don't worry" without trying to understand why you're worrying?

    This episode may not be the one you WANT to hear, but it is the one you NEED to hear.

    I'll tell you why you can stop worrying and instead what you can do to demonstrate the valid concern you need to get everyone on board so that you can solve future problems before they start. You can do this without giving into excessive worry and making those around you paranoid about the future!

    Mentioned in this episode: 

    - why worrying doesn't equate caring

    -  how the extreme opposite of worry lead to the The Fyre Festival saga

    - How to demonstrate careful concern


    Are you ready to lead? Find out through this 10 item quiz at Bright Insights Media

    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min
  • V is for Vision: Creating a vision for yourself
    Jun 2 2021

    I've spoken in the past about how to create a vision for your organization when you're new to leadership.

    But what about creating one for yourself now that you're in leadership?

    I talk about ways to do it, starting now.

    Take a 10 item assessment to see how ready you are to lead!

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    18 min
  • U is for Unique: How to stand out as a leader
    May 19 2021

    When you're ready to elevate your organization or business amongst the competition, rely on your uniqueness. Learn how to discover what it is about you that stands out (in a positive way), and how to make it work for you.

    Mentions in this episode: Dave Ramsey, "Sonja with a J", delicious burgers.


    Are you ready to lead? Take the 10 item assessment at Bright Insights

    and get free gifts!

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    16 min
  • T is for Trauma: A Conversation with Whitney Walker of Women Waken
    May 5 2021

    Leaders, if you feel your emotions are getting beyond the best of you, or you're completely forgetting any sort of self-care, or your relationships are breaking down now that you've taken the helm...it might be time to look at the role Trauma may be playing. In this episode, "T is for Trauma", I interview Whitney Walker, a therapist and recovery coach. She owns Women Waken (which not just for women, as explained in the episode) and will help explain what trauma looks like in leadership, how it relates to addiction, and what you can do to get through it.

    Trust me: you don't want to ignore any sign of trauma. There could be things that happened to you before you could even speak, and they are just now showing because you're stress levels are triggering.

    And just to keep things on the real, you'll also get to hear some of my past personal history with trauma as well as Whitney's. Even us therapist types have to learn the hard way!

    Go to Bright Insights Media for more resources on how to have less stress and more success.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • S is for Sleep
    Apr 21 2021

    The myth of "if you're sleeping, you're not working hard enough" is still running rampant. But there's too much practical research showing that lack of sleep eventually has significant, negative consequences on your health. And if you're not around to lead, or you're leading at 50% mental capacity, what's the point?

    I talk about what's actually happening to you while you sleep, the different sleep zones, and four areas where you can make practical changes to improve the quality of your sleep. I also consulted with a sleep expert and friend Dr. Rachel Markwald, who just returned from studying sleep habits of the world's greatest Navy at sea!

    Trust me, I know about this. I had horrible sleep AFTER I got out the military. I suffered from sleep paralysis as well! It's scary. 

    When you're done with the episode, visit my page for supportive, peer-reviewed resources.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min