We sit down with Jordan Linsker to talk about how to build out a tactical AR-15 rifle with the right accessories to successfully compete in multi-gun, hunt coyotes and defend the home place. Parts for people who build high end, quality and unique weapons. To learn more about Sker Tactical, visit https://skertactical.com/
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For more info on forage blends, click on http://baileyseed.com/products/frontier-unlimited-wildlife-mixes/
We appreciate our sponsors: Nosler, Camp Chef, Warne Scope Mounts, Carson, Pro-Cure Bait Scents, Sullivan Glove Company, The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce, Madras Ford, Bailey Seed and Smartz.
Watch select episodes of Frontier Unlimited on our network of affiliates around the U.S. and on Hunt Channel TV or click https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gary+lewis+outdoors+frontier+unlimited