Picking up where we left off last episode...today's electrification deep dive takes us inside the mind of a designer or contractor looking to swap out gas furnaces and water heaters for all-electric systems and appliances. But wait - there are a few things to consider before signing on the dotted line: insulation, ducts, and breaker boxes, just to name a few! Did you know that until just a few years ago it was actually illegal to build a home in CA without hooking up to natural gas?! What environmental, social, and public health benefits could we achieve with nationwide adoption of all-electric buildings? Listen to find out! Show Sponsor - www.sustainablehomesofthefuture.com Contact Host - info@shfbuild.com
Show Notes: Electrify Everything - https://www.vox.com/2016/9/19/12938086/electrify-everything Redwood Energy - https://redwoodenergy.net/research/ California Energy Commission (Title 24) - https://www.energy.ca.gov/media/3950 DSIRE (State Incentives) - https://www.dsireusa.org/ Clean Energy Connection - https://www.cleanenergyconnection.org/find-contractor Energy + Environmental Economics (E3) - https://www.ethree.com/e3-quantifies-the-consumer-and-emissions-impacts-of-electrifying-california-homes/ Electrify Everything FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/Electrify-Everything-482071985522368