Impact of Educational Leadership Episode 213Hosted by: I. D. III for Dr. Isaiah Drone IIIDallas ISD Trustee Camile White | Karl Berry | Buddy Thornton |Jerry Green |Building Lasting Community RelationshipsBuilding lasting community relationships requires time, patience, and effort, butthe benefits—such as increased social support, a sense of belonging, and collectivegrowth—are well worth it. How do you think you can start fostering relationshipsin your community? Developing strong community relationships is key to buildinga connected, supportive environment, whether in a neighborhood, workplace, orlarger society. Try to listen to what others are saying without judgment orinterruption. When people feel heard and understood, they are more likely to feelconnected and valued. Create an environment where people feel comfortablesharing their thoughts, ideas, and feedback. When people think they have a voice,they are more likely to engage and contribute positively to the community.