• By Faith - The Story of CRISTA Ministries

  • Auteur(s): Purposely
  • Podcast

By Faith - The Story of CRISTA Ministries

Auteur(s): Purposely
  • Résumé

  • Witness how one man’s simple yes impacted thousands and birthed a ministry still changing the world 75 years later.

    Today, we live in a world that is asking, “Can God?” Do we believe miracles and promises from God are for another age? Hebrews tells us plainly that God is the same today as he was yesterday. The story of Mike Martin and Vivian is the story of miracles, of prayers answers, of mountains moved. It is the story that could have only been realized By Faith and nothing else. It is the testament that God is at work today and that the miraculous can happen each and every day if we are willing to see it. Witness how one man’s simple yes impacted thousands and birthed a ministry still changing the world 75 years later.
    Copyright CRISTA Media
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  • Jesus Changes Everything
    Aug 21 2024
    Though Mike Martin’s story here on earth reached its conclusion in the last episode, the story of CRISTA is far from over—in fact, it's still being told today. This final episode of By Faith will outline how King’s Garden grew into CRISTA, transforming thousands of lives for Christ along the way. Current executives and staff of the ministry will tell this story, recounting how the Martin family inspired them to live lives of complete surrender and faith to whatever God has in store.

    Listeners will discover all that CRISTA is doing both locally and internationally today, and learn how they too can partner with the ministry to be part of the work God first started when he called a young man to leave a life of comfort and embark on an adventure that not only changed his own life, but the lives of thousands. Mike Martin is living proof that Jesus can truly change everything—no matter who you are, where you’ve come from, or where you’ve been—if only we’re willing and available, just like Mike was all those years ago.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4dRHYcI
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    29 min
  • Shutting the Mouths of Lions
    Aug 14 2024
    By 1958, the Martin’s 10-year lease on King’s Garden was up for renewal and had to be approved by the tuberculosis board and city officials. In this penultimate episode of BY FAITH, the miraculous story of how God fulfilled His Jeremiah 32 promise to give Mike the city will be recounted—including details like the miraculous clerical error that gave Mike’s team the ability to purchase the property, how the Martins managed to acquire $100,001 in cash in the span of a week, and the dissolution of the lease on Mike’s birthday, of all days. The stories in this episode are a true testament to how the God of the Old Testament heroes can still shut the mouths of lions today, even when those lions are more likely to be found in public property hearings than in a pit with a prophet.

    In 1948 God promised Mike he would go into full-time ministry for 10 years, and in 1958 He fulfilled that promise with the purchase of King’s Garden. Though this episode recounts that epic conclusion and sets the stage for all that’s to come with CRISTA, “Shutting the Mouths of Lions” will also tell the story of the final miracle in Mike’s life: his entrance into the Kingdom. A few years after the purchase of King’s Garden, Mike and Viv embarked on a cross-country ministry trip. Before the trip even began, Viv had a premonition something would go wrong, and all along their route Mike’s health continued to worsen. Eventually the couple would end up in a Detroit hospital, Mike suffering from a severe heart attack coupled with pneumonia. In her own words, Viv tells the story of how Mike knew it was his time to go be with the Lord, describing his dream about Heaven and how God was calling him home. Mike passed away in his sleep the day after he told Viv about the dream, and the Martin family, along with the CRISTA family around the world, grieved the loss of this humble servant leader.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3SKzZ96
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    25 min
  • CRISTA’s Foundational Ministries
    Aug 7 2024
    As CRISTA continues to grow and expand, their family of ministries starts to take shape. Episode 5 will tell a series of stories illustrating how different parts of the ministry began, from a rest home for the elderly where seniors heard about Jesus—some for the very first time—to the oneus for King’s Schools in the spring of 1950. Wondering how CRISTA got to be what it is today? The Martins take us back to the early days here, showing exactly how each member of this family of ministries got its start, and, like countless other aspects of the BY FAITH story, God’s hand in every area. A few friends of the ministry were there as CRISTA began to expand into what it is today. Find out more about CRISTA Ministries by visiting crista.org

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4dhTXAx
    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min

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