In this episode of Connected Leadership Bytes, Andy Lopata revisits his interview with Malcolm Palmer on making Making Your Business Less Dependent On You. Andy and Malcolm discuss the challenges of business ownership, stress management, and the importance of strong professional relationships. Andy shares his personal journey of learning to cope with stress, highlighting the need to recognise both conscious and unconscious stress signals. Andy also emphasises the importance of vulnerable leadership, sharing experiences that led to him writing his book "Just Ask." He stresses the need for balance between work and personal life, incorporating hobbies and healthy activities into his schedule as part of his job. Complacency is a major enemy of productivity, and the key to overcoming it is to build habits and find strategic ways of working. Andy also mentions the importance of strategic thinking, taking time to work on big projects, and being mindful. Andy and Malcolm also explore the concept of "catastrophising"—anticipating" potential disasters to proactively avoid them—and the importance of letting go of negative relationships to improve focus and productivity. Andy concludes with insights into transitioning the business from being time-based to product-based and his plans for an app, The Relationship Matrix, which he is piloting. Key Takeaways: Recognise and Manage Stress: Business owners often hide stress, but it's essential to understand both conscious and unconscious stress signals. Vulnerable Leadership: Be open and share with your team, but strategically and when it's appropriate, trust builds strong relationships. Authenticity and transparency make you relatable. Balance is Key: It’s vital to schedule in personal time, hobbies and health. By treating wellness as part of your job, you make it non-negotiable. Combat Complacency: Be wary of complacency and create habits that help your business grow. Build in processes to allow time for the important but not urgent tasks. Strategic Time Management: Prioritise deep work and focus on important tasks rather than the easy wins first. Relationships Matter: Build strong, positive professional relationships with the right people and let go of negative relationships to improve productivity. Be ready to move on from relationships that aren’t strong. SELECTED LINKS FROM THE EPISODE Connect with Andy Lopata: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | X/Twitter | YouTube Connect with Malcom Palmer: Website |LinkedIn | The Financial Times Guide to Mentoring