
  • 3.4 Hapé 101....all the secrets of this sacred snuff from the amazon Jungle
    Aug 9 2023

    Continuing our 101 series, we have a special guest for you, a hapé expert: Shiri.

    Shiri has been working with hapé for years, offering regular workshops in person and on line and selling her own special selection of hapé.

    But what is hapé? How to use it? when to use it? These and many more questions are answered in this exciting episode!!!

    Have your cup of cacao ready and Enjoy!!!

    Cacao ya' Later!!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 6 min
  • 3.3 Energies 101!!!
    Jun 19 2023

    For our new Season - Everything 101, in this episode we discuss energies.

    Energies is such a vast topic, we just barely scratch the surface hoping this will give you some little insights and guidance to start off your journey in discovering and uncersding more about energies!

    From chakras to energies in ceremonies...we touched many themes all around energies..

    So ready?? Just switch on!

    Cacao ya later!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • 3.2 What happen in an Ayahuasca Ceremony 101
    Jun 6 2023

    If you're start exploring and educate yourself about ayahuasca Ceremony, you're defiantly curious of How's a Ceremony!!

    Each ceremony is absolute unique and unrepeatable....but there's definitely some communalities you may encounter.

    And even though the best approach is to leave all your expectation at the door and approach it with the curiosity of a child, it is important to have some idea, some guidelines and understanding the different ways a ceremony is conducted depending on the traditions, the facilitators, the space and the participants.

    Have your cup of cacao ready, press play and ...Enjoy!!!!

    Cacao ya' later!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 6 min
  • 3.1 Ayahuasca 101!!
    May 29 2023

    New Series!!! Everything 101!!!!

    We're starting our new series with Ayahuasca 101.

    What is Ayahuasca?

    What does it mean to be called by this medicine?

    How to prepared yourself?

    How to choose the right ceremony for you???

    Have your cacao ready and Enjoy!!!

    Cacao ya' Later!!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    56 min
  • 2.17 Laughter Yoga Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha
    May 12 2023

    In this episode we discuss Laughter Yoga with a special Guest Alene!

    We invited Alene for a session of Laughter Yoga together before recording this podcast.

    So what is Laughter Yoga? What are the benefits? How can we integrate it as a tool for personal growth, spirituality and plant Medicine??

    This and much on this fun episode!!

    Have your cup ready, play and Enjoy!!

    Cacao ya Later!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • 2.16 Ca' Cuba
    May 2 2023

    This is a very special episode...with a special cacao and special guest!!

    Do not miss this delicious discussion on Spirituality in Cuba, human connection and evolution and a special powerful Cacao.

    Here's some of the links of what we discussed:


    - IG: compassionate.creatix

    Comment, share and enjoy!!

    Cacao ya later!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    50 min
  • 2.15 MaMaMaMaMMMind-Set!!
    Apr 12 2023

    Mind-set is the basic operating system of our brain, but we often do not even know what is actually operating behind the scene, making us a prison of our own mind instead of using this extraordinary tool.

    In this episode we start a discussion on mindset, what it is, how we can define it and we share some useful tips to create a mind-set that resonate with what we truly want.

    Nowhere near a completion of this theme, we wish to light a sparkle in our listeners to start a discovery of our mind-sets together.

    But the most important question is: what jokes will Rob share??

    Have your cup of cacao ready..1,2,3...Press play!! YAY!!



    Voir plus Voir moins
    53 min
  • 2.14 Grandfather Mapacho: Different Amazonian Traditional Uses and Dieta with Guest Speaker Angela
    Apr 5 2023

    Mapacho, or Traditional Tobacco, is one o the most used and powerful Plant Spirits in the Amazonian tradition.

    In this episode we discuss its different sacred and ceremonial uses and our own personal experience with him.

    We are featuring a special guest, Angela, who has just concluded a traditional dieta with Grandfather tobacco. A traditional dieta is a strictly ascetic initiatory rite to develop a relationship with master plant spirits. She will share her experience and her lessons from Grandfather Mapacho.

    Comment, share and enjoy!!

    and as always...have your cup of cacao ready...1,2,3...play!!

    Cacao ya Later!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min