
  • 39: How To Get Unstuck
    Jun 23 2022

    Are you feeling stuck? You want to move forward, but you're not sure what your next step is. In many cases it could be you have too many choices. Or you want to 'keep your options open'. Indecisiveness can cripple your progress.

    In this episode, I talk about the difference between 'choosing' and 'deciding'. What is a decision anyway? Why does deciding over choosing matter? And how can this help in getting unstuck?

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    13 min
  • 38: Memories Are More Important Than Money
    Jun 21 2022

    Are you hustling and grinding away, day in, day out, trying to generate an income, and putting your 'life' on hold? I was there. I did that for most of my adult life. Working up to 16 hours a day. Every day. For weeks, months. Without a break.

    I was a stranger to my family. I missed a lot of my children's early years. Not because I didn't care... but because I believed that, through sacrificing my life for long hours of work, I was supporting my family.

    I missed out on so much. Time and experiences I can never get back.

    In his book, B.O.S.S. Moves, Myron Golden writes, "I'm going to tell you something that is more important than what you do for a living: what you do while you're living."

    Life is unpredictable. We often think at our family and friends will always be there... that we can spend time with them once the money making years are done.

    Take the time and create the memories now. You never know what's around the corner.

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    13 min
  • 37: Understanding The 4 Levels of Value
    Jun 20 2022

    Your money making potential is directly linked to the value you bring to the world. In his book, "B.O.S.S. Moves", Myron Golden talks about the four levels of value. He talks about the spiritual nature of money, communication, and the imagination. And, in other to make more money and generate wealth, you must work at a higher spiritual level.

    In this episode, I outline the four levels of value and how you can increase the value to bring to the world by using your imagination to identify and solve problems, and your communication to present your solutions to the world.

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    13 min
  • 36: Your Secret Sauce To Success
    Jun 19 2022

    Have you ever put something off until 'tomorrow', only to find tomorrow comes and goes? And then the next day and the next. Before you know it, it's been a week, a month, a year, or more... and the task hasn't been done.

    Al Tomsik says, "Success is just tons of discipline". So it stands to reason, in order to be successful, you must be self-disciplined.

    In this episode, I talk about some things you can do every day to increase your productivity and get a lot more done in less time... and well on your way to success.

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    13 min
  • 35: You’ll Get Nowhere Fast If You Hold On To The Past
    Jun 18 2022

    To say things have changed would be an understatement. New laws. New legislation. New regulations. In some industries, you have two choices. Either march to the new drum and follow the orders of government officials and bureaucrats... or look for different ways to earn a living. Pushing back against the system does nothing but waste energy. Fighting a battle you can't win only frustrates you and keeps you stuck.

    When you're in this frame of mind, you can't see the opportunities that are all around you. You grind yourself down, get nowhere, and stay broke.

    I'd rather take responsibility for myself and funnel my energy into things I can control.

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    15 min
  • 34: Don't Say It... Draw It!
    Jun 17 2022

    Have you ever drawn out an idea, process, or strategy on the back of a napkin? You're trying to explain something... they're just not 'seeing' it, so you draw a picture.

    Communication is all about transferring the image in your mind to someone else's mind. And the quickest way to do that is to draw a picture.

    The great news is you don't have to a talented artist. And you don't need a lot of fancy equipment. You can draw the person into the story by drawing simple, clear shapes and stick figures. You can break down complex problems into small steps and clearly illustrate the process... while using simple language to describe what you're drawing.

    I highly recommend Dan Roam's book "Draw to Win". It clearly lays out how to effectively communicate through simple drawings.

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    11 min
  • 33: How To Speak To Be Understood
    Jun 16 2022

    Have you ever wondered why some people appear to lose interest or switch off while you're talking to them? Have you ever spent 5 minutes explaining something to someone, only to have them stare back at you, dazed and confused?

    And you get all frustrated and think to yourself, "They just don't get it!"

    It could be them. They may simply have no interest in what you're talking about. But in most cases, you have failed to communicate effectively.

    In this episode, I discuss simple ways to ensure your message is understood and coming across clearly.

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    17 min
  • 32: It's True! Done IS Better Than Perfect
    Jun 15 2022

    I've heard it said that perfectionism is just another form of procrastination. And I'd have to agree... judging from personal experience. Have you held off releasing something, publishing something, or even starting something because you feel it won't be up to the standard you hold yourself to?

    I've battled with perfectionism for most of my life.

    These days I've had to change my outlook. I've had to accept that nothing in this world is perfect, and striving for perfection just slows you down.

    In this episode, I share how I've overcome my perfectionism in order to move forward and get things done.

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    12 min