
  • Shining God's Love To The Military: Extending Community With Guest Beth Runkle Christmas Part 4
    Nov 30 2023

    Picture this; You're a military family in a new town, once again, and the holiday season is quickly approaching. The emotional toll is heavy, but as Beth Runkle has experienced firsthand, there's a glimmer of hope that can be found in faith and community. Join us, as our special guest, Beth Runkle of Cru Military, gives insight, wisdom, and practical steps to embrace the military around you all year but especially during the Christmas season. Beth’s Book, Another Move, God? 30 Encouragement for Embracing Your Life as a Military Wife ( based on the life of Sarah in the Bible) with B & H Publishing comes out October 2024.

    Military life often means uprooting and starting afresh, but finding community can give a source of warmth and connection in an otherwise transient existence. Beth opens up about her spiritual journey, a path marked by initial resistance and bitterness to the military but ultimately leading her to find peace and purpose in God. As Beth has moved 14 times , she helps us lean into the unique struggles military families face during holiday seasons, and offers practical ways to help ease the burden of isolation and distance from loved ones.

    With the holiday season here, let's take a moment to consider those who serve our country. How can we come along side them with friendship, service, prayer and hot chocolate? The separation of families, stress of those in harm’s way, and challenges of single parenting when a spouse is deployed are realities for the families and singles serving and protecting our country. How can we shine God’s light and love to show appreciation and care? Don’t miss this heartfelt conversation on faith, love, and military life.

    Beth Runkle Website
    Cru Military
    Operation Gratitude
    Soldiers Angels
    Operation Christmas Spirit
    NBS2GO Bible Studies

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

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    34 min
  • Pointing People to Jesus This Christmas: Becoming the Star of Bethlehem Part 3
    Nov 29 2023

    How can we be a ray of hope, light and joy to others this Christmas? By pointing them to Jesus- through gifts of service, prayer, words, and the gift of our presence. And if you are giving a tangible gift, consider a spiritually sensitive present that points to the meaning of Christmas.

    We retrace the steps of the first Christmas, looking at Zachariah and Elizabeth and their calling to parent, John—the herald and forerunner of Jesus. We, too, can be forerunners and take inspiration from the star of Bethlehem, lighting the way for others to experience the true joy of Christmas.

    Finding the perfect Christmas gift doesn’t have to be expensive or stressful. We can gift people in many ways beyond tangible presents—from gifts of service, prayer, words as well as the gift of our presence. Reaching out to those in need can bring true joy and fulfillment, even more than the most wished for gift. Whether it's volunteering at a local food bank, helping a family in need, or simply praying for those who send us Christmas cards, we can make a difference.

    Christmas is an incredible opportunity to uplift those around us with prayer and words. The gift of words, so simple, yet so profound and can brighten and give courage to someone's holiday season, especially those experiencing challenging times. Find resources and tips on how to pray for others during the season and give the gift that keeps on giving. These gifts don't require a hefty price tag, they just need a generous heart.

    As we enter the Christmas season, let's ask God to make us like John and the star of Bethlehem, pointing the way to Jesus and preparing the hearts of those around us.

    Leave treats for delivery drivers and postal workers. Download Signs & Notes Here.
    Pray for those around you. Find 3 prayer resources here.
    The Meaning of The Candy Cane
    My 1st Christmas in Heaven Poem

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

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    28 min
  • Setting Apart Family Time Through Traditions And Rhythms: Being About The People Christmas Part 2
    Nov 22 2023

    Join us on the journey back to the first Christmas, where we saw in Episode 7, Savoring The Savior Christmas Part 1 that it was all about a baby that was worthy to be worshipped. In this episode we will see that it was also about a family, and not just any family, it could have been today’s dysfunctional family— an unwed teenager who finds out she is pregnant, a betrothed man, considering divorce, or adoption.

    Mary and Joseph, all had great faith when they said YES to God’s plan. We, too can embrace our circumstances, and the people in our life and say YES to God by loving them right where they are this Christmas season.

    Family relationships are precious, and the holidays are a great time to pour into creating a vibrant spiritual home, with blood family or those who are like family to you. We can do this through traditions, messy prayer, loud tables, and open doors. We share our experiences about the beautiful chaos of family dinners, the sweetness of opening our homes to others, and opportunities to develop deeper connections and meaningful conversations. Spending quality time with loved ones and being about the people with give you treasured and precious memories, not by doing more, but choosing less of the right things.

    In case you are wondering,—“How can we simply incorporate the sights, sounds, and tastes of Christmas this year?” or “How might we connect with teens during these family activities?” Then you are at the right place. Together, let's shine the light and love of Jesus this Christmas.

    Christmas Conversation Starters

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

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    29 min
  • Savoring the Savior: Celebrating Jesus Throughout the Season Christmas Part 1
    Nov 20 2023

    Feeling overwhelmed or weary by the holiday season? What if we told you that there is a way to find simplicity and truly savor the Savior amidst the Christmas chaos? When we went back to the first Christmas, we saw that it centered around three things: a family, a message, and a Savior. What if we embrace those things this Christmas to make our season simple, meaningful and memorable? In Part 1 we look at how to savor Jesus all through the season and not just aim at celebrating on Christmas Day.

    Let's explore the heart of Christmas, as share personal experiences, and offer ways to keep Jesus as the focal point during the season. We dig into different Advent traditions that are not just fun, but also help to cultivate a deep connection to savoring Him. Join us as we share tips on age-appropriate devotionals, creating joy-filled traditions, and incorporating the nativity into daily activities.

    Additionally, we delve into the powerful hymn "O Holy Night," and how it continues to remind us of the true spirit of Christmas. Together, let’s make our Christmas celebrations meaningful and Jesus-focused, taking a step back from the holiday rush to cherish the reason for the season.

    Prophecies of Jesus, 25 Prophecies and Jesus’ Fulfillment #1 Find all 25 on Called To Shine’s Instagram Feed ( Scroll down to Dec 1 2022

    NBS2GO’S Advent Bible Study

    Children’s Christmas Books/ You Tube : The Crippled Lamb, Song of The Stars, Christmas in the Manger, 25 Days of the Christmas Story, A Christmas Story of Light, The Jesus Story Book Bible Christmas Collection, The Tale of Three Tree’s

    The Star From Afar
    The Kindness Manger Options: The Giving Manger, Filling The Manger

    Redeeming The Season Podcasts with Pam McCune and Kim Wier on Revive Our Heart ( 5 Different episodes)

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

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    25 min
  • Lighting Up With Gratitude: Cultivating a Heart of Thanksgiving
    Nov 11 2023

    Do you remember the juice cups, that you stick the straw in? What happens every time you poke that straw through the plastic? Juice spills out! In life, the same holds true: what is inside of you will come out once poked. What would spill out of you: sourness or sweetness, grumbling or gratitude, light or death?

    Today we are delighted to have Jessica Gilbert with us again as we talk about how to Light up with Gratitude as we go through the Thanksgiving Season. Not only do we want to take advantage of this cultural holiday that has a biblical basis, but we want our lives to spill over with gratitude when we are poked.

    Cultivating a heart of gratitude, takes preparation, training, and discipline. As we offer practical tips and traditions to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in ourselves and our kids, see which ones work for you.

    The ultimate spirit of gratefulness begins and ends with our personal relationship with God. What are you grateful for that He has done for you, protected you from or provided?
    Enjoy Rend Collective’s Counting Every Blessing, appreciating all the things God has given.

    From Rend Collective: Just because we intellectually KNOW God’s promises, doesn’t mean we always feel them to be true. Counting Every Blessing came from a season of real wrestling with God because we couldn’t see His promises coming to pass. We despaired instead of looking at the signs of His goodness along the way. It’s so easy to give in to looking at what God hasn’t done yet rather than counting the blessings God has already given us.

    As we try to set the Thanksgiving table for Jesus to be the centerpiece of our heart celebration, who pointed you to Jesus? How can you thank them this season? Grab a seat, fill your cup with gratitude and let's light up with thanksgiving together!

    Grumbler’s Guide To Giving Thanks Book by Dustin Crowe
    Grumbler’s Guide to Giving Thanks YouVersion 7 Day Plan
    Corrie Ten Boom Story in Hero Tales Volume 2

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

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    30 min
  • Stars Shine Brightest in a Cluster: Using Your Giftings Complementary With Others
    Nov 7 2023

    In our solar system, The Milky Way, there are 1000’s of star clusters. A cluster makes an impact because alone each star may not stand out but together they make a powerful light image. Clusters are powerful because there is synergy where the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts: synergistic symphony— where synergistic parts work together they accomplish more than they could ever accomplish alone.

    The rare Globular star clusters are held together by mutual gravitational attraction. Interestingly, we as Christian’s have mutual gravitational attraction in our purpose and our calling. At the same time we are so very different- in cultural backgrounds, seasons of life, capacity and gifting. But as we come together and live out loving God and pointing people to Jesus TOGETHER, then we shine with synergistic parts and make an impact in a cluster.

    We are delighted to welcome Jessica Gilbert, the creative mastermind behind making magic happen on our Instagram reels, to share her insights on working out of her gifting on The Called to Shine Team. Is there something God has put on your heart, that could be accomplished in a cluster? Watch for who God might bring in your life for you to each work out of your gifting, and accomplish more together than you ever would alone.

    As the Christmas season draws near, before all the decorating, shopping, and school events take over, don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate and adore The Savior. This is a great time to shine in a cluster, by going through The Advent Study together with friends, family or neighbors. We'll walk through the first Christmas, in The Bible, drawing from our NBS2GO Advent Bible study, a free resource found at nbs2go.com. You can also find it on You Version: Advent: Come Let Us Adore Him.

    So, come listen in and experience the joy of studying God’s Word, the power of community, and the beauty of our unique gifts. Let's shine brighter - together!

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

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    29 min
  • Shining Through the Darkness: The Power of Being a Light In Hard Times
    Oct 31 2023

    Have you experienced one of those dark nights when you can’t see anything around you, but you look up and see one star that sparkles and gives light? It shines brighter surrounded by the darkest night.

    During hard seasons, sometimes we need help to navigate the future, a life preserver thrown to us to survive, or maybe a friend to sit with us as we process. And then other times we get to throw the life preserver to others— which might look like a shining star—where you shine the little light of hope you have to those in darkness.

    Listen and absorb wisdom as Caroline Schuler, Cru City Staff, shares her personal journey of walking through the unknown in a health challenge. Her story showcases the profound impact of empathy, hope, and the power of the smallest gestures of love from those around us. A kind word, a surprise treat, or a comforting presence speaks volumes-- saying that we are not alone.

    You don’t have much capacity right now? Even showing up and giving the gift of your presence is one of the most important parts of being a light in the darkness.

    Who is God nudging you to shine toward this season?

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • Stars Shine Brightest That Are Closest: Taking Advantage of the Opportunity Knocking This Fall
    Oct 24 2023

    Are you ready to light up your neighborhood with the love of Jesus this fall season? We promise you this episode is the perfect guide to embrace this time of the year as an opportunity to shower God's love and mercy on those around us. From using the occasion of Halloween to exhibit generosity, even if it scares you, to finding creative ways to foster community by welcoming new neighbors with gifts and notes. We delve into the joy of resetting, venturing out, and connecting with the people around us.

    As we journey together to make our neighborhoods shine with God's love, we share practical ways of showing mercy, love, and care to those in our path this season. Trick-or-treating with our kids, setting up shop in our driveways, or even having a simple conversation on our porch, every action matters and is a part of building relationships. Most importantly, we highlight the significance of trusting God with the results of our steps of faith. So, join us and be the beacon of light in your community this fall season.

    Find the Chili Recipe we talk in this episode on Called to Shine Instagram this week.

    SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
    Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

    And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)

    — A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min