Something as seemingly innocuous as a child’s bowl of cereal can trigger fidgetiness or acting out at school. 18 million people have gluten sensitivity (protein found in wheat, barely, rye, spelt, kamut and oats). The link between gluten sensitivity and problems with brain function- learning disabilities and behavioral issues such ADHD, are rising. My guest, Ron Hoggan, Ed.D., was diagnosed with Celiac in 1994- his subsequent research brings deep understanding to the gluten crisis. Dr. Hoggan says it best, “I am fascinated by the way gluten induces illness and impedes learning while it alters mood, behavior, and a host of other facets of human existence. Mood disturbances, learning disabilities, and the loss of quality of life due to psychiatric and neurological illness are even more tragic than the plethora of physical ailments that are caused or worsened by gluten. The further I go down this rabbit hole, the more I realize that grains are a good food for ruminants - not people.”