Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Carnival Revelry: Transforming Work Retreats with Spontaneity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Kroz jutarnju maglu koja se lagano dizala nad Jadranskom obalom, Ivan i Luka stajali su na verandi elegantne vile.En: Through the morning mist that was slowly rising over the Jadransk coast, Ivan and Luka stood on the veranda of an elegant villa.Hr: Njihove kolege upravo su stigle na zimski radni odmor, ili kako Ivan to voli nazvati, "radni povlačenje".En: Their colleagues had just arrived for the winter work retreat, or as Ivan liked to call it, a "work retreat."Hr: Ivan je pažljivo proučavao tablicu s planovima.En: Ivan was carefully studying the table with plans.Hr: Luka, s druge strane, bio je naslonjen na ogradu, uživajući u svježem morskom zraku.En: Luka, on the other hand, was leaning on the railing, enjoying the fresh sea air.Hr: "Ivane, vidi", rekao je Luka, pokazujući prema šarenim zastavicama koje su vijorile kroz ulice obližnjega mjesta.En: "Ivane, look," said Luka, pointing to the colorful flags fluttering through the streets of the nearby town.Hr: "Karneval je!En: "It's a carnival!Hr: Mogli bismo svi otići tamo!En: We could all go there!"Hr: "Ivanu se u želucu stvorio mali čvor.En: A small knot formed in Ivan's stomach.Hr: Znao je da raspored za taj dan ne uključuje izlazak na karneval.En: He knew the schedule for that day didn't include a carnival outing.Hr: "To bi poremetilo naš plan za današnju radionicu", odgovorio je kratko.En: "That would disrupt our plan for today's workshop," he replied shortly.Hr: Ali Luka je već zamišljao maskirane povorke i zvuke tamburica.En: But Luka was already imagining the masked parades and the sounds of tamburicas.Hr: "Samo zamisli", rekao je s osmijehom, "koliko bi to zabavilo ekipu.En: "Just imagine," he said with a smile, "how much fun it would be for the team.Hr: Svima bi dobro došao predah.En: A break would do everyone good."Hr: "Radna povlačenja na obali imala su svojih čari.En: Work retreats on the coast had their charms.Hr: I Ivan je to znao.En: And Ivan knew that too.Hr: Između planiranih formalnih sastanaka, iskusili bi harmoniju valova i spokojne plaže.En: Between the scheduled formal meetings, they experienced the harmony of the waves and the serene beach.Hr: No, topli južnjački vjetar uvijek je donosio neočekivane ideje.En: But the warm southern wind always brought unexpected ideas.Hr: Kako je dan napredovao, Ivan je pratio kako kolege sve više zadrijemaju tijekom radionice o učinkovitosti.En: As the day progressed, Ivan observed how his colleagues were increasingly dozing off during the workshop on efficiency.Hr: Njihove oči gledale su prema prozorima, gdje su svjetla iz karnevala postajala sve vidljivija.En: Their eyes looked toward the windows, where the lights from the carnival were becoming more visible.Hr: Misli su mu bile teške.En: His thoughts were heavy.Hr: Smijelo bi se reći, možda bi i njima nešto drugačije koristilo.En: One might say, perhaps something different would benefit them too.Hr: Kad je stiglo vrijeme za timsku vježbu, Luka je stao ispred skupine i predložio alternativu.En: When it was time for the team exercise, Luka stood in front of the group and proposed an alternative.Hr: "Idemo na karneval!En: "Let's go to the carnival!"Hr: ", dočekao je prijedlog s oduševljenjem.En: he greeted the suggestion with enthusiasm.Hr: Ivanu je srce brže zakucalo.En: Ivan's heart started beating faster.Hr: Moglo se to protumačiti kao riskantan potez, ali pogledi njegovih kolega bili su radosni kao djeca pred blagovanjem.En: It could be interpreted as a risky move, but his colleagues' looks were as joyful as children before a feast.Hr: Duboko je udahnuo.En: He took a deep breath.Hr: "Možemo onda", reče s malim osmijehom.En: "We can then," he said with a small smile.Hr: Bio je to trenutak odluke.En: It was a moment of decision.Hr: Susreo se s Lukinim pogledom koji je govorio samo jedno: "Vidjet ćeš, bit će to pravo iskustvo.En: He met Luka's gaze, which said only one thing: "You'll see, it will be a real experience."Hr: "Karneval je bio užareni izvor boja i zvukova.En: The carnival was a blazing source of colors and sounds.Hr: Smijeh je ispunio zrak.En: Laughter filled the air.Hr: Kolege su zaboravile na tabele i zadatke.En: Colleagues forgot about tables and tasks.Hr: Skakutali su u ritmu bubnjeva, dijelili fritule i uživali u plesu.En: They hopped to the rhythm of drums, shared fritters, and enjoyed dancing.Hr: Ivan je, promatrajući svoje kolege, osjetio neočekivano zadovoljstvo.En: Watching his colleagues, Ivan felt unexpected satisfaction.Hr: Bio je to trenutak koji nije mogao ukalkulirati u dnevni raspored.En: It was a moment he couldn't calculate into the daily schedule.Hr: Kad se sunce počelo povlačiti iza horizonta, vratio se s grupom prema vili.En: When the sun ...