Today on the RumDowne we are talking about Caribbean music and the origin story of the music we all love. Be ready to get some amazing new suggestions to put on your personal playlist. Also here is a link to our Spotify playlist with all of our musical suggestions.
This episode was produced by the ladies of the Rumdowne, edited by Novelle
Creatives that supported this episode:
We are inspired and thankful to the creatives who helped with the construction of this podcast. Please follow our friend @alexlanepaints on Instagram. She is an incredible artist who created our logo. Also thank you to our friend Bryce who is a new up and coming producer check him out on his Instagram @brycebigsmooth87
Contact us:
If you enjoyed our podcast and would like to reach out to us, you can contact us via email: or @therumdowne on Instagram. Leave us a comment and share this with your friends. Until next time byeeeeeee!😊