
  • Bonus episode 'What Words Are Ours?' Part 2
    May 19 2021

    Its been a while! So I'm bringing you a little bonus episode dedicated to my beloved What Words Are Ours?  a poetry project where I showcase Deaf and hearing artists alongside each other. 

    If you've been to one of the sold out live shows you'll know its a proper knees up and if you haven't, fear not because I’ve got some stunning performances recorded live at What Words Are Ours?

    We've got Dean Atta, Reece Lyons, Kareem Parkins Brown and Bayan Goudarzpour. I’ll also be dropping a little poem in.

    A transcript of this episode is available here:

    Wanna see a few vodcasts - video podcasts - with two multi-talented Deaf performers Vilma Jackson and Stephen Collins? Check out these links:

    Like what you hear? You can support this podcast and my work in general by buying me a coffee. Chuck us a fiver, or a tenner, or a quid, whatever you can afford to spare, it all genuinely supports this work. Go to buymeacoffee.com/TaliaRandall

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne.

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    21 min
  • Bonus Episode - winegod part 2
    Jul 27 2020

    This is a little bonus episode featuring a short interview I did with Oberon White, a queer, Welsh cabaret performance artist.

    You might have already listened to episode 11 which features a poem / soundscape by Oberon. Its an excerpt from their show winegod. If you haven’t listened to that yet I urge you to.

    In this bonus episode Oberon and I chat in more detail about winegod, a show that explored queer icons and took inspiration from mythology.

    A transcript of the episode can be found here:

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne. 

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    16 min
  • #11 - winegod
    Jul 16 2020

    "What is queer time? What is queer space?" Oberon White.

    This episode I offer you something from another artist, a piece called 'Prophylaxis' by Oberon White, a performance artist who is a regular fixture on London's queer underground cabaret scene.

    The excerpt you're about to hear is from Oberon's show winegod, which traced the ancientness of queer identity and grappled with the erasure of queer history.

    A transcript of the episode can be found here:

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne. 

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    11 min
  • #10 - Notes to self
    Jul 1 2020

    Today’s show is all about the bizarre, embarrassing, inexplicable notes that I’ve found in my phone and in various notebooks.

    I’m not talking about long chunks of prose or deep excerpts from a diary or journal. I’m talking about random words and sentences that are just on their own, in the middle of a blank page. 

    Ideas or phrases I’ve written to myself but that have absolutely no context, like I’m supposed to know exactly what I meant when I wrote it down.

    Do you do this? Please let me know I’m not the only one.
    Its short and sweet episode, I hope enjoy.

    A transcript of the episode can be found here:

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne. 


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    5 min
  • #9 – 29 Dreams
    Jun 17 2020

    It's a weird one this week, a proper weird one in which I tell you about 29 of my deeply strange dreams.

    Like the time I dreamt that Mel Gibson was trying to play Super Mario with me in a windowless room, or when I dreamt that I gave birth to a baby made of paperclips. Buckle up babes, its wild.

    For a transcript of this episode go to: 

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne.  

    You can support us with the cost of making future episodes of Cassette Tape Radio with a tip or donation by clicking here: https://www.paypal.me/taliarandall  

    Voir plus Voir moins
    7 min
  • Bonus Episode - Interview with Toby Campion from UniSlam
    Jun 9 2020

    UniSlam uses poetry as a tool to engage, inspire and empower.

    This little bonus episode is an interview with Toby Campion, the director of UniSlam.  

    In this interview we talk about the spoken word scene in which Toby and myself started out in, we chat about the importance of honouring our collective spoken word history, and I say the word ‘absolutely’ a lot.

    To read a transcript go to:

    You can support us with the cost of making future episodes of Cassette Tape Radio with a tip or donation by clicking here: https://www.paypal.me/taliarandall

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne. 

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    38 min
  • #8 - Poetry from UniSlam
    Jun 3 2020

    This week we've got 12 poems from 12 poets. Thats it - lush, contemporary poetry.   
    Featuring (in order of appearance):   
    Shruti Chauhan, Elisabeth Sennitt Clough, Jemima Foxtrot, Jamal Mehmood, Ben Norris, Maria Ferguson, Bryony Littlefair, Hannah Gordon, Toby Campion, Alice Frecknall, Talia Randall, Cecilia Knapp 
    To see more on all the featured artists go to:     
    More on UniSlam:   
    For a transcript of this episode go to:
    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • #7 - The Last Poets. Interview with Abiodun Oyewole
    May 20 2020

    "The Last Poets are the birthplace of rap" (Chuck D).

    The Last Poets were founded in Harlem on May 19th 1968 - Malcolm X's Birthday. They've influenced everyone from Erykah Badu to Public Enemy, A Tribe Called Quest, Wu-Tang Clan and countless others.
    In this episode of Cassette Tape Radio I chat with Abiodun Oyewole, one of the founding members of The Last Poets; one of the fathers of hip hop. We talk about how The Last Poets turned up the volume on poetry, transforming it from a whisper to a war cry.
    For a transcript of this episode go to:

    Cassette Tape Radio is written and presented by Talia Randall. Music and audio engineering by Jamie Payne. 
    You can support us with the cost of making future episodes of Cassette Tape Radio with a tip or donation by clicking here: https://www.paypal.me/taliarandall 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min