
  • Yoni Eggs, Yoni Egg Practice, Healing, Releasing Pain and Awakening Pleasure through Cultivating an Intimate Relationship with Your Yoni
    Aug 22 2023

    In this podcast episode Rebecca speaks about Yoni Eggs and the importance of cultivating a relationship with your Yoni through using Yoni Eggs. The Yoni Egg practice is multifaceted and incredibly deep, from healing and releasing trauma, to cultivating pleasure and reclaiming your Yoni - in this episode Rebecca shares how you can do this. Each and every person who comes to the practice is unique, and so it is important to follow your intuition and do what works for you. Rebecca shares that healing is not linear, and so be gentle with yourself as you embark on this journey, allowing it to unfold in the way that it does - without rushing the process.

    Keywords: Yoni Eggs, Yoni, Yoni Egg, Yoni Egg Practice, Healing, Releasing Trauma, Ritual, Spirituality

    If you ave any questions about the practice please do not hesitate to reach out to Rebecca on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becca.is.love/

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    38 min
  • Create a Pleasure Practice - What it is and How to Start, Pleasure Practice ins and outs and the importance of connecting to your Pleasure
    Jul 24 2023

    In this podcast episode Rebecca speaks about what a Pleasure Practice is and how you can create one in your own life. Rebecca shares about the importance of courting your own sexual and sensual energy, and through cultivation you can live a more pleasurable life. Pleasure is something that is cultivated and something that should be nurtured, like any good relationship in life - it takes time and it requires dedication. Your pleasure is no different and you deserve to carve out time in your life to experience pleasure, which ultimately leads to more joy and vitality. A pleasure practice does not need to be a specific amount of time every single day, but rather something that you can get creative with and make your own - whether this be 5 minutes, 15 minutes or an hour! Your pleasure practice can range from breath work, to breast massage, to stimulation - whatever works for you.

    Keywords: pleasure, pleasure practice, vitality, sensuality, sensual energy, joy, vitality, yoni eggs, yoni, yoni steam

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becca.is.love/

    Feel free to DM me on IG xx

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    26 min
  • Guided Feminine Embodiment Practice, Meet the Many Faces of the Feminine, Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman, Seductress and Crone
    Jul 12 2023

    This podcast episode is experiential. Make yourself a delicious cup of cacao and tune into the many layers of your divine feminine. The feminine is by nature layered - she embodies so many different textures. All of these textures you have within you. Through embodiment practices we awaken the parts of us that we might have been neglecting, thereby integrating these parts into our being so that we can continue to nurture these soul aspects. In this guided meditation and embodiment practice you will step back into your power and claim the many different layers within you.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becca.is.love/

    Keywords: guided meditation, guided embodiment practice, divine feminine, reawakening, integration, wild woman, maiden, mother, crone, seductress, spirituality, circle, spiral, meditation, embodiment, expansion

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    16 min
  • The Sacred Slut, Sexuality as a Pathway to God, Reclaim your Sexuality and Pleasure, Reawaken your Senses and Divine Feminine Healing
    Jul 5 2023

    In this episode Rebecca speaks about the origin of the word slut and the negative connotations this word has, particularly to those who have been socialised as women within our society. The podcast looks at the idea of the "sacred slut," as a practice that allows women to reclaim their sexual and sensual power, body and ability to experience pleasure. It is also discussed that pleasure is our birthright, and through reclaiming our sexuality we have the ability to experience what we all crave. The episode also discusses how sexuality is a gateway to God and spiritual connection. Thus, sexuality is not something which is shameful, but rather can be used as a portal to connect deeper with the divine.

    Keywords: sacred sexuality, sacred sensuality, sacred slut, portal, divinity, connection, oneness, reclamation, sacred pleasure, pleasure practice

    Instagram: @becca.is.love

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    30 min
  • De-Armouring Your Yoni: Releasing Pain, Numbness, Trauma and Shame within the Pussy to Connect with Pleasure
    Jun 28 2023

    Welcome to Ceremony of Love podcast, where we dive deep into the realms of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

    Join Rebecca as she shares about the layers of blockages and trauma that often accumulate in the sacred space of the Yoni as a result of pain, shame or trauma. Discover how these deep-seated imprints can manifest as numbness, pain, or a lack of sensation within the Yoni, affecting our overall well-being and intimate experiences.

    Rebecca speaks about the significance of Yoni de-armouring as a powerful means to reclaim your body, sexuality and ability to experience pleasure. By bringing awareness to points of pain or numbness within the Yoni, we embark on a profound journey of healing.

    As you listen, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the de-armouring practice and how it offers us an opportunity to renegotiate our relationship with our bodies. Learn about the intricate connection between physical sensations and emotional release, and how the healing process can foster a deep sense of safety within.

    Rebecca also shares an insightful outline of a de-armouring practice for you to explore in the comfort of your own space.

    Keywords: de-armouring, Yoni, practice, blockages, trauma, healing, renegotiate, safety, pain, numbness, sensation, self-discovery, empowerment, intimate experiences, pleasure, self-acceptance, emotional release, vitality, connection, pleasure, release, surrender, pussy

    Instagram: @becca.is.love

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    38 min
  • St. Johns Wort, Sun Medicine, Plant Ally, Healing, Spiritual Benefits, Hypericum Perforatum, Saint Johns Wort of the Light and Herbalism
    Jan 13 2022

    In today's podcast episode Rebecca discusses the incredible healing plant medicine known as St. Johns Wort or Saint Johns Wort. This plant has powerful healing properties and has been used to treat mild to moderate depression, seasonal depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, neuralgia, nerve pain, sunburns and trauma to the skin.

    There are also spiritual benefits to using St. Johns Wort - it is used for protection, to connect it's users with the sun or light and for cleansing. It awakens prana life force energy and vitality, igniting your body and allowing you to connect with your inner light or fire.

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    30 min
  • Inner Seasons of Menstrual Cycle, Menstruation Magic, Cyclical Living, Cyclical Awakening Ebook, Archetypes, Spiritual Rituals, Herbalism for Cycle, Journal and Ceremonial Living
    Aug 18 2021

    In this podcast episode Rebecca introduces her new Ebook which will be gifted to her community - do not forget to rate and review the podcast.

    In this episode Rebecca goes through the different inner seasons and how they correlate to the menstrual cycle. Moreover, how we can begin living cyclically and in tune with our own cycles, hormones, and emotions during our menstruation.

    While this podcast is rooted in cyclical living in relation to menstruation - anyone who identifies as a womxn whether they bleed physically or energetically can listen and find value.

    For the Ebook: https://www.instagram.com/becca.is.love/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Happy Culture Kombucha and Water Kefir, The Dream Behind an Aligned Business with Purpose and Passion, the magic behind Kombucha and Water Kefir, Choosing Vitality, Health and Prana with Manon
    Aug 12 2021

    In this episode Manon sits down with Rebecca to discuss the magical creation story of Happy Culture.

    After traveling through South America in a camper van, Manon and Mark returned to South Africa, which subsequently lead them on the path of creating a business rooted in bringing vitality back into people's everyday lives.

    This entrepreneurial duo created the brand we know and love, Happy Culture, with the profound vision to spread happiness and healing through Kombucha along with the recent addition of Water Kefir.

    Manon, the beautiful mother of Happy Culture, reflects on her journey and the series of synchronistic events which lead her on this path, as well as the evolution of her soul and the expansion of the business.

    We dive into Manon's personal journey along with that of Happy Culture's, what exactly Kombucha and Water Kefir is, as well as the brands unique spiritual and ethereal essence.







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    57 min