Make sure the battle you are fighting is your own battle
“Hold off the dogs.”
Mind your own business!
There is trouble when one goes against the warning to meddle not in God’s work.
The Hebrew meaning of meddle - To thrust oneself into the middle.
Proverbs 20:19 says, "That every fool will be meddling."
Proverbs 26:17 "He that passes by and meddles with strife belonging not to himself, is like one that takes a dog by the ears. You can expect to get bit.
Holding a dogs ears is going to make him mad.
When you try to let go he's going to attack.
You can thank yourself for the wound and the hurt feelings, no one else. You can just stand there indefinitely and continue to hold the dog off. You will definitely have your hands full, you won't be able to do anything else.
God spoke to me one day and said, "Hold off the dog."
Too many of God’s people are stuck and operating in the wrong place. Often this causes the Judgement of the Lord
to intervene. Stay in your own place and calling.
Stop Meddling!
Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
Prodigal Daughter Book Series
Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
Song - God I Look To You