In the series premiere, Lucas (Anthony Keyvan) arrives at Bourbon Street Boarding and discovers a cassette tape left by the room’s first occupant, Carter (Joshua Colley). Recorded in the 90’s, the tape alludes to a year’s worth of advice... before a seemingly inevitable tragic end. But that’s not the only surprise Lucas’ first night has in store...
Written By: Robbie Hyne
Anthony Keyvan as LUCAS,
Joshua Colley as CARTER
Alexandra Daniels as SADIE
Adam Faison as KALEB
Kelly Lamor Wilson as CARINA
Teala Dunn as OLIVIA
Anthony Turpel as RYAN
Chris Renfro as AUGUST
Noah James as JOSHUA
Guest Cast:
Robbie Hyne as DRIVER GARY
Created, Produced & Edited by: Robbie Hyne
Produced by: Anthony Keyvan
Episode Associate Producer: Cindy Hyne
Post Production Assistance by: Kyle Kamphaus
Intro & Outro Music by: Noah James
Podcast Artwork by: Brendan Haley (insta: @haleydoodledo)