(Part 1 of 2) Chinese Astrology is the study and mapping of recurring cyclical patterns in nature. The 12 Zodiac Animals are a playful representation of patterns in human-nature. Join Thuy and Daniel as they delve into the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals through discussions with patients and family members, as they help each person to understand and embrace their natural tendencies and patterns.
Episode Notes:
If you have an iOS device, download the DYC Tong Shu App to learn your 4 Chinese Zodiac Animals.
Podcast Theme & Episode Music by:
Laura Inserra laurainserra.com
You Are Medicine! affirms your innate healing powers and interconnectedness, offering health and healing wisdom from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indigenous world view perspectives. You Are Medicine! is a production of Thuy Nguyen and Berkeley Community Acupuncture. Learn more at bcaclinic.com/youaremedicine.