
  • Chels Chats 101: Scroll, Compare, Repeat?
    Jun 29 2024

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    Our first "Chels Chat" uncovers the complex world of social media, balancing its instant connectivity with the emotional toll it can take. We share real listener stories—one person's love-hate relationship with these platforms and another's journey towards posting with growing confidence. Plus, we tackle that all-too-familiar feeling of inadequacy and offer heartfelt advice on how to stay content and true to yourself amidst the digital noise.

    So excited to roll out this new segment where it gives a chat with an old friend as we unpack your questions, comments, and all the feels. So sit back, grab a snack, pour a drink and LET'S CHAT.

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    30 min
  • Logging Off
    Jun 6 2024

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    Ever felt like your joy is slipping away every time you scroll through Instagram or Twitter? You're not alone. In this episode, we tackle the impact of comparison, especially via social media, on our mental well-being. We explore the emotional chaos that arises from constantly measuring our lives against others' highlight reels—fostering envy, diminishing self-esteem, and creating a breeding ground for anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. Through my personal journey of taking a social media hiatus, I offer insights into the significance of unplugging for personal growth and mental health. We'll also arm you with practical strategies to break free from the comparison trap and encourage you to cultivate and appreciate your unique journey.

    This segment is all about realigning our focus, leveraging our unique strengths, and staying committed to our personal growth. Join us for an episode brimming with authentic stories and practical tips to help you nurture your own success and ensure your grass is just as green.

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    17 min
  • In the Mirror ft. Anthony Christoff
    Mar 28 2024

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    When Christoff, sat down with me, a raw and powerful narrative unfolded as we traversed his transition from high school football "husky" to disciplined bodybuilder. Our conversation wasn't just about lifting weights; it was an intimate look into the complex relationship men have with their bodies and the relentless pursuit of an often elusive self-acceptance. Anthony's candid confession of overcoming unhealthy habits and the role rekindling a relationship with his father played in his life choices offers a potent reminder of the continuous nature of personal growth.

    The landscape of male body image is a treacherous one, shaped by media distortions and societal expectations, and this episode doesn't shy away from these hard truths. We dissect how social media's filtered realities skew self-perception, creating a breeding ground for double standards in how men perceive women and themselves. This segment peels back the layers on the need for a body-positive movement for men along with women, highlighting the essential role of self-awareness in an era where authenticity is often masked by the need to present an idealized self.

    Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, someone striving for self-improvement, or a fan of Anthony's honest approach to life's challenges, this episode promises to leave you inspired to pursue your own path with unapologetic authenticity.

    Instagram: @growpapi
    Tiktok: @growpapi

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    40 min
  • Delayed Joy
    Mar 13 2024

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    This is the episode where we confront the seductive lure of instant gratification and celebrate the magic of delayed joy. In a world obsessed with immediate results, we often forget that true success is more like a marathon than a sprint. This episode peels back the layers of society's fast-food mentality, challenging the belief that quicker is better, and guiding you on a path towards lasting fulfillment that honors your future self.
    Join us as we discuss the subtle yet impactful role of small, deliberate choices in our daily pursuit of happiness. Learn why forgoing that impromptu night out for some self-care or curating the perfect music playlist could be the key to healthier habits and a steady increase in dopamine levels.
    As always, we encourage you to reach out through our website or messaging platforms to share your journey with us.


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    16 min
  • Hey Girl (Uncut) ft. the sisters
    Mar 3 2024

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    When we Scott sisters unite, it's a whirlwind of laughter, heartfelt stories, and an undeniable connection that can only come from a lifetime of shared experiences. Step into our world as we unravel the joys and challenges of an all-girl family dynamic, where confusion over names is just part of the fun, and strong-willed loyalty is our shared heartbeat. From candid chats about our childhood ambitions to emulate the Cheetah Girls to embracing our adult dreams and running a business together, this episode is an open book of our lives, offering up inspiration and a few good-natured laughs along the way.

    Ever wondered what it's like to grow up in a sister squad with a penchant for playful rivalry and a dash of reality TV dreams? We've got you covered- in raw and unscripted form, get excited for the uncut version of this episode, where we promise even more of our free-spirited dialogue. HEY GIRL, we choosing sisterhood!

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    49 min
  • Stuck or Still?
    Jan 24 2024

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    Ever found yourself questioning whether you're truly stuck in life or merely savoring a moment of stillness? This episode of Choose Joy is a haven for anyone riding the turbulent waves of life's gains and losses. As your host, I'm here to share not just my own journey of navigating these waters, but also to affirm that you're not alone in yours. We're dissecting the thin line between stagnation and the powerful, often necessary, pauses that life sometimes demands of us. It's a conversation about understanding burnout, the traps of comparison and overcommitment, and the crucial act of patience with ourselves as we evolve.

    This heart-to-heart chat is set against the backdrop of a society that's obsessed with hustle and instant outcomes. Yet, we're flipping the script to celebrate the nuanced art of waiting and the restorative peace that it brings. We're redefining what it means to be productive by acknowledging that sometimes, doing less is the secret to achieving more. No guests, just us and the raw truths about embracing the stillness that fosters growth. So, let's break free from the chase for perpetual motion and learn to find joy in the quiet spaces where our roots can deepen, undisturbed.

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    12 min
  • "Shame on me for changing"
    Nov 14 2023

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    Are you grappling with toxic perfectionism? Yearning for a metamorphosis that propels you forward instead of holding you back? Let's navigate the rough waters of personal growth. We begin by piercing the veil of perfectionism, focusing on progress rather than flawless execution. Using the power of introspection, let's break free from outdated habits and initiating the journey towards your future self. Remember, it's not about becoming someone new, but unearthing the best version of you that's been lying dormant all along.

    Switching gears, we delve into how our surroundings, including the people we choose to surround ourselves with, influence our capacity for change. Growth is not a one-size-fits-all process. Evolving doesn't mean you discard your old self; rather, you cherish who you were and leverage that to shape who you are becoming. So, gear up for an enlightening discussion that will inspire you to embrace change and celebrate your journey of growth. Remember, it's not just okay to outgrow yourself, it's absolutely vital for personal evolution. So GROW and CHOOSE JOYY

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    16 min
  • Self to self
    Jun 14 2023

    Send us a Text! We want to hear your questions, thoughts, and dilemmas to discuss during our “Chels Chats”- join the conversation 🤍

    Last time we discussed how we communicate to others but how do we communicate to ourselves? It's time for a self-to-self moment. Speak live and love into yourself and it will naturally exude for others to see. It starts with you, it starts with me.
    Props to you for showing up! Continue to choose YOU and choose joy!

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    20 min