
  • The Legacy of Dobbs
    Oct 8 2022

    The Choosing Life series concludes with three exclusive interviews, including a conversation with the woman who was the strategist behind the Dobbs case - Mississippi Attorney General, Lynn Fitch.

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    1 h et 28 min
  • Abortion and the Black Community - Christina Bennet
    Oct 1 2022

    Black babies make up a disproportionate number of abortions. Christina Bennet was no exception. She was almost aborted until (as her mother tells it), an angel encouraged her mother not to go through with the abortion. Now Christina has dedicated her life to fighting abortion in an attempt to end the genocide of black Americans.

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    1 h et 18 min
  • A constitutional history of Abortion - Carter Snead
    Sep 24 2022

    University of Notre Dame law professor, Carter Snead, provides an in-depth history and legal analysis of Roe v. Wade and the arguments for and against a woman's right to abortion.

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    1 h et 15 min
  • A journalistic survey of the debate - Alexandra Desanctis
    Sep 17 2022

    Visiting Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Alexandra Desanctis, gives a concise and factual survey of the history and key arguments surrounding Roe v. Wade and the debate over abortion rights.

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    48 min
  • The Racism of the Pro-Abortion Movement - Star Parker
    Sep 10 2022

    For 25 years, Star Parker has been fighting against victimization of African Americans. In this conversation she describes the horrific consequences of Margaret Sanger's work and the pro-choice movement on Black America. According to Parker, from broken families to crime and poverty, many of the most devastating issues facing our nation directly stem from legal abortion.

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    1 h et 10 min
  • The Long Term Perspective - Chuck Donovan
    Sep 3 2022

    Chuck Donovan has been a leader in the fight for life since the 1970s. In this conversation he shares a history of the Pro-Life movement and gives his perspective on its future.

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    1 h et 33 min
  • Uncovering Planned Parenthood's Lies and Abuse - Lila Rose
    Aug 27 2022

    Without the work of Lila Rose and her undercover investigations, few people would know about the cover ups and abuse that Planned Parenthood has perpetrated against women. In this conversation, the founder and president of Live Action tells her story in depth and stresses the importance of shedding light on the atrocities Planned Parenthood has hidden.

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    1 h et 5 min
  • Arguments for Life from a Progressive, Pro-Life Atheist - Terrisa Bukovinac
    Aug 20 2022

    As a progressive atheist, Terrisa Bukovinac isn't the stereotype pro-life advocate. But she's working to change that perception and she has the stories to back up her claim that the pro-life movement is one of the most diverse movements in the world.

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    59 min