Choral Fixation

Auteur(s): Jacqui Clydesdale Liz Walker
  • Résumé

  • Why do people love singing together? And how do we get the non-singers to join in?
    2019 - Choral Fixation
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  • Protest Singing, Part 3: Black Lives Matter
    Jul 16 2021
    Jacqui and Liz are extremely grateful to their guests for the rich and illuminating discussion of the current state of protest singing within the Black Lives Matter movement. Thank you Micah Hendler, Nikki Nesbary, Caullen Hudson, and Patrice Rhone. Micah Hendler is a musical changemaker, and covers music and social change for Forbes. He is the founder and artistic director of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus.Nikki Nesbary is an experienced facilitator, trainer, and program manager. She is a singer and leadership team member with SongRise, a DC-based women's social justice a cappella group.Caullen Hudson is a filmmaker, activist, and founder of SoapBox productions and organizing. He is a scholar and producer of the feature documentary Chicago Drill ‘n’ Activism, and produces and co-hosts the Bourbon ‘n BrownTown podcast. Check out their Collective Freedom Project,  a four-part series highlighting grassroots efforts in Chicago, Atlanta, Texas, and California to fight crimmigration.In addition to her digital activism, Patrice Rhone is a fashion fanatic, marketing professional, and blogger. She will also be rocking some classic 80s Madonna and Whitney with Jacqui and Liz at our next karaoke party.LINKSOn the march: is communal protest singing poised for a comeback? by Micah Hendler, Jun 13, 2020 Ysaye M. Barnwell and Singing with Ysaye Barnwell - Black Lives Matter, YouTube, uploaded Jun 9, 2020Https:// Every Voice and Sing by the Spellman College Glee Club, YouTube, Feb 28, 2019 Every Voice and Sing by SongRise, Juneteenth Solidarity Sing, YouTube, Premiered Jun 20, 2020 interview about food in hotel, YouTube, uploaded Dec 29, 2012 (from Tupac: Resurrection) is what protest sounds like by Breeanna Hare, November 19, 2017, the alt-right, and leftist messaging by Paula Ethans, October 20, 2020 protesters are likening themselves to civil rights activists by Mackenzie Mays, Sep 18, 2019 Choir Lamar's "Alright" chanted by protesters during Cleveland police altercation by Jeremy Gordon July 29, 2015 Kendrick Lamar recorded the new Black national anthem? by Aisha Harris, Aug 3, 2015 Lamar - Alright Gary Davis ~ I'll Be Alright Someday Seeger - We Shall Overcome (Live) About to Lose Your Job (Original Remix), YouTube, uploaded Jun 4, 2020 Keef "Faneto" - Move Bitch Lives Matter and Music: Protest, Intervention, Reflection,  Edited by Fernando Orejuela and Stephanie Shonekan, from Indiana University Press World in Six Songs by Daniel J. Levitin, from Penguin Random HouseI'm Gon' Stand sung by Nikki NesbaryI'm Gon' Stand by Bernice Johnson Reagon of Sweet Honey In The Rock, SongRise, YouTube, uploaded Nov 23, 2016
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    58 min
  • Protest Singing, Part 2: We Shall Overcome
    Mar 19 2021

    The books and songs discussed in this episode include:

    O Sanctissima performed by the Daughters of Saint Paul, 2010

    The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe, performed by the Canadian Brass

    The History of We Shall Overcome uploaded to YouTube by creator Genie Deez, June 15, 2020

    I’ll be Alright performed by The Angelic Gospel Singers

    I’ll Be Alright Someday performed by Rev. Gary Davis, reissued 1972

    Pete Seeger Talks about the History of We Shall Overcome, uploaded to YouTube by folkarchivist, Dec 29, 2010

    We Shall Overcome (Live) performed by Pete Seeger, 1963

    We Shall Overcome performed by the Freedom Singers, Sing For Freedom Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (1990)

    We Shall Overcome (Live) performed by Mahalia Jackson

    The Nashville Sit-In Story from Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (1960) We Shall Overcome, Jail Sequence

    We Shall Overcome performed by Peter Yarrow, Mary Travers, Paul Stookey, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Bernice Reagon, Cordell Reagon, Charles Neblett, Rutha Harris, Pete Seeger, and Theodore Bikel, Newport Folk Festival, July 1963

    Blowin’ in the Wind by Bob Dylan, performed by Cliff Richards (1966)

    Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet, from Say It Plain, Say It Loud: A Century of Great African American Speeches (original recording King Solomon Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan - April 12, 1964)

    We Gonna Be Alright Crowd Chanting, Black Lives Matter, Downtown Los Angeles July 7, 2016 #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile

    Making Movement Sounds: The Cultural Organizing Behind the Freedom Songs of the Civil Rights Movement by Elizabeth Davis-Cooper (2017)

    Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard

    Sit In, Stand Up and Sing Out!: Black Gospel Music and the Civil Rights Movement by Michael Castellini (2013) Georgia State University

    From Sit-ins to SNCC : The Student Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, edited by Iwan Morgan and Philip Davies. 2014.


    Thanks, as always, to Aaron P and Jeffrey Christian for reviewing the episode.

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    47 min
  • Spotlight Song #2: Barrett's Privateers (and Other Sea Shanties)
    Feb 1 2021

    Big thanks go out to Canadian folk music icon Garnet Rogers. He kindly shared with us some amazing stories and fantastic music recommendations. Go to his website to purchase his memoir Night Drive: Travels with My Brother about his time on the road with Stan and check out his music on his website, or wherever you get your tunes. 

    Thanks also to Sam Pope, ShantyTok leading light, and lead vocals on The Wellerman’s Official TikTok version of, well, The Wellerman. He gave us great insight into the current sea shanty phenomenon and was extremely charming and generous with his time. Find him on TikTok (of course), YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and wherever you get your tunes.

    Thanks, as always, to our unofficial co-producer, Aaron P.

    Just FYI: There's a bit of salty language in this ep, which makes sense when you think about it.

    Here are the songs, articles, and that one podcast you'll hear about in this episode:

    The Wellerman (Sea Shanty) - From TikTok to Epic Remix, Nathan Phillips and others (Thanks to The Kifness for putting it up on YouTube)

    Barrett’s Privateers by Stan Rogers, 1977 Fogarty's Cove Music

    The Canadian Encyclopedia Stan Rogers, by Chris Gudgeon, Andrew McIntosh, August 29, 2013

    Hail to You, Santa Claus by Stan Rogers, 1970 RCA (Thanks to Nick Spacek for putting it on YouTube)

    STAN ROGERS: An Interview at Mariposa, 1978, Reprinted from The Folk Life Quarterly, Vol. III, No 1, Summer, 1978

    Stan Rogers intros & sings "Barrett's Privateers" in One Warm Line produced by Kensington Communications

    Stan Rogers shows off his first guitar from the CBC Digital Archives. Stan explains privateering to the host of Canada After Dark, Paul Soles. Broadcast Date: Nov. 30, 1978 

    The Maritime Cultural Resource Center Is the Stan Rogers song "Barrett's Privateers" true? by Dan Conlin

    Sloop John B. by The Kingston Trio. 1958 Universal Music Group.

    Stand by Your Band Tom Thakkar and Tommy McNamara talk about the bands that Pitchfork attacks and your friends make fun of). The October 10, 2019 featuring Charlie Bury is all about Stan Rogers.

    Ordinary Day Great Big Sea 2011 WMG (This is the song Liz heard in a Scarborough bar)

    Four Strong Winds by Neil Young. 1978 album Comes a Time, written by Ian Tyson.

    Sea Shanty TikTok is the perfect expression of masculinity for 2021 MSNBC opinion piece by Hayes Brown

    Michael Row the Boat Ashore by Pete Seeger. Live in 1963. (Thanks to Evan for putting it on YouTube)

    In the Moment of Zen clip at the end, Jacqui is singing Bluenose by Stan Rogers. It is waaaaaaay out of her range.

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    58 min

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