
  • Catechism 4: Typology
    Mar 7 2023
    Can you misinterpret the Bible?  Yes you can.  Anything we can do about it?  Yes there is. Music and Sound Effects by Pixabay
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    14 min
  • Catechism 3: The 10 Commandments (I killed my soul)
    Mar 3 2023

    Following the 10 commandments can bring us happiness, stability, peace, joy and more.  Not following them can have some serious repercussion.  

    Sound Effect from Pixabay

    Voir plus Voir moins
    8 min
  • Catechism 2: Spiritual Works of Mercy
    Feb 28 2023

    Great story which explains the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min
  • Catechism 1: Corporal Works of Mercy
    Feb 28 2023

    The seven corportal works of mercy told as a story: 

    1. feed the hungry, 

    2. give drink to the thirsty,

    3. clothe the naked, 

    4. give shelter to travellers/homeless, 

    5. visit the sick, 

    6.  visit the imprisoned, and 

    7. bury the dead.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Stumbling All the Way to Destruction
    Feb 22 2023

    If we deny who we are, we will stumble all the way to our own destruction.  

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min
  • Eucharist is the Real Presence?
    Feb 6 2023
    By looking at just a few stories from the Old Testament, I convinced myself that the Eucharist is not a symbol but the actual body of Christ.  Makes perfect sense to me.  Here's why. 
    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min
  • Admitting There’s a Problem is Critical
    Feb 2 2023
    Why do we have to admit that we are broken?   https://LiveLastingMemories.com https://EvangelizationOftheFamily.org
    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min
  • Why Bother Going to Mass?
    Feb 1 2023

    Why do we go to mass?  We go to learn about who we are.

    Lector book mentioned in the podcast?


    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min