After rescuing the Void Cleric Valik, the crew of the Aurora are heading out to the home planet to the Temple of the Chosen in search of ancient text to help decipher the treasure map that Syn provided to guide them to their next destination. Upon their arrival, they discovered that they arrived during the Festival of the Chosen where all the deities of the pantheon are celebrated. Using Valik's religious credentials, they are searching for contacts that can help them gain access to the Celestial Tomes, a vast library of knowledge where the information they are seeking is kept.
This campaign is based on the Dark Matter Campaign Setting by Mage Hand Press. This is a high fantasy meets space opera settings with nearly every scifi trope you can think of in it. Check it out:
GM – Neel D
Kit Solo, Near Human (Roguean) Craftsman – Alyson R
Try-son Kenosi, Her Human (Warped) Channeller – Trevor D
Cynter Kenosi, Half Drow Fighter– Thomas S
Valik, Wrothian Void Cleric – Kane P
If you like what you're hearing on the podcast, have any constructive criticism, or have any questions for the GM or players, you can contact us at the podcast email address: