Hey friends,
Please enjoy episode 1 of The RetroCast! I had a blast speaking with Coach White and Coach Powell about literally, everything! Lol make sure to show them and their programs some love over on their social media! I’ll link everything at the bottom!!
Have a good week and try not to think about the year ending in like 12 days or something like that. Anyways, byyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Vibe on,
Crossing Courts:
•YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UC8Lw6mFffkFFP6DglA11UNA
•Instagram https://instagram.com/crossingcourts?utm_medium=copy_link
•TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8RnTeMF/
Alabama A&M University:
•Instagram https://instagram.com/aamuvb?utm_medium=copy_link
Alabama State University:
•Instagram https://instagram.com/bamastatevb?utm_medium=copy_link