
  • Kelly Worley | Margin, What’s on Your Plate, and Buying Avocados
    Jul 26 2024

    Something we need more of is the topic of this podcast and every once in a while I like to bring Kelly on to the podcast because she's wise, she's smart, patient, and it helps me to check in with her about the major lessons in our lives, the greatest things that we've learned at this moment. Today we goof around a bit and we took some time to sip on some wine, eat some chocolate and reconnect but don't worry, it's a PG.

    Kelly's incredibly gorgeous. She makes me laugh and sometimes you get the real me when she's on the show because we lead with equality. We don't always agree. We fight. We're both very, very opinionated, but we make up. And the most important thing is that we're galvanized as parents and in our vision for the future when we're out of sync or we're off balance is bad, but in fact, balance is not what we're seeking.

    What we're seeking is the topic of this podcast. It's not always sunshine and roses, but it's encouraging and our goal is to help you find those areas in your life that you can reflect on and improve and appreciate. If you've already mastered the topic then that we're going over, I'm not going to give it away, but it's one of the major themes in our life right now. We all need it, yet we rarely make time for it. Kelly and I discussed this in our household all the time and we're on a quest to get more of it.

    I hope you enjoy cocktails and dreams, Kelly Worley edition, because we really decided to take the time to talk about the most important thing in our life right now. Something that was forced on us and is most likely forced on you - how do you deal with it and what do you do with it and how do you reshape that and turn it into something constructive.

    I hope you like this. It took us a long time to get through. I'm just kidding. It was super fun. So it take a listen.

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    1 h et 8 min
  • Eric Houtchen | Faith, Real Estate, And Even More Faith
    Jul 12 2024

    In this episode, you're not going to find any cocktails, and you won't find any dreams. Today, we're going to be talking about Kings and Priests.

    When I started my independent brokerage a few years ago, I put out a beacon for anybody who would fit this standard and was willing to show up - somebody who was driven and hungry to succeed. One of the people that showed up back then was Eric Houchens. Eric Houchens was a guy who I'd been in the trenches with since 2006. We started in the business at the same time and we both survived the 2008 real estate crisis. Anybody who has survived that crisis is worth listening to.

    Eric is not only a realtor. He's a chaplain for our business. You see, we laid our business at the feet of God many years ago. Eric closes our sales meetings with prayer. He leads our company through FASTs. And he's here for the day-to-day needs of our customers and clients. If you go to our website, you'll see in the top right-hand corner a button that says, request prayer. All of those requests go to Eric. He's an ordained minister in the trenches with Realtors and clients and me. We talk about many of the different ways that God has shown up in his business. I hope his story blesses you today, especially if you're in need of something in your life that you can't quite put your finger on.

    Eric is proof that if you can trust God and you show up every day, good things can happen. In fact, they happen to me as well. You see, kings need priests and priests need kings, and sometimes we have to be both at the same time in order to carry out the Great Commission, which is just to love God with all of our heart and our soul our mind, and our strength and to love other people as we would love ourselves. That's not always easy to do. In fact some of you might be really uncomfortable by this message, but I encourage you to stay with me and to listen in because these are real stories of real people struggling through life and business in an effort to do it for a greater purpose.

    If you like our podcast, share it with people, and again, that gives me the inspiration to continue on. I just want to thank you. If you are a regular listener to the podcast (because we all know you have a lot of things that you can listen to), it's very meaningful to me that you chose us!

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    59 min
    Jun 28 2024

    Today, I'm joined by my incredible business partners to share the story of a very special property that we own together. We're taking you to Lake Longbow, a place that has become a sanctuary for us and our families.

    We'll share how the COVID-19 pandemic brought us closer, leading us to form an unbreakable bond through shared experiences and adventures. In 2020 we rented a mansion with a private lake, finding solace in nature, sparking our desire to make such moments a permanent part of our lives. Little did we know that this getaway would ignite a quest to find a property that could encapsulate that magic.

    From the initial excitement of discovering Lake Longbow online, to the reality check of its condition, our journey was filled with challenges and triumphs. We are navigating through the hard work of renovations, countless weekends dedicated to transforming the property, and the sheer determination to make our vision a reality.

    Our passion for Lake Longbow extends beyond just owning land. It's about creating a retreat where our families - and hopefully others - can escape, reconnect, and build lasting memories.

    We’re talking about the hurdles we faced, the moments of doubt, and the ultimate joy of seeing our children embrace the outdoors. Join us as we explore the highs and lows of this venture,

    the business model we've built to sustain it, and our dreams for its future.

    Lake Longbow is more than just a property; it's a testament to our commitment to family,

    nature, and the pursuit of a fulfilling, grounded lifestyle. Sit back, relax, and let us take you to Lake Longbow - a place where dreams meet reality, and where every challenge is a step towards something truly extraordinary.

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    This 80 acre ranch boasts a private 10 acre stocked lake and a lake lodge to stay, which sleeps 16. Multiple 4-wheeler trails & a waterfall in the wet seasons.

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    34 min
  • Rob Tucker | The Real Work of A Rockstar
    Jun 27 2024
    We use the term rock star a lot in our day-to-day as a way to compliment people, like, “Hey rockstar, you've been killing it lately!” or “Man, you just closed some deals, you're a real rockstar!” But a few of us use the term appropriately. We use it that way because we want to be rock stars, but few of us want to do the work that actually helps us become one. The hours of practice, the internal band fights, the smashing guitars over a monitor because we can't agree on the creative aspects of a song, and we do it all for free because we love it. But once in a while people love what we do and we get the chance to play to an audience - our audience. And they're moved by that sea of lighters swaying in beautiful harmony with our song. Let's face it, most agents are not rockstar models though their glamor shots might convey otherwise. I will say that marketing yourself as an agent is very similar to marketing yourself as a performer. I know, because I've done both - it is a perception-based industry. You may not have the results, but if you have the money to get a billboard that says “Hey I'm the number one agent,” a lot of people start to believe it. You don't have to be pretty to be a real estate agent. You just have to be good. You manage expectations, communicate, evaluate, predict, disclose, advise, advocate, educate, and at times be an emotional counselor in a time when it seems the world wants to destroy the very same community that risked getting Covid to show you a house in 2020; now wants to destroy a professional who literally works for free before anyone gets paid. Agents will get smarter. They'll get more dedicated. They'll get professional. Because that's what we do. A flashy billboard is just a tactic, but a better tactic is to become good at what you do. That's why I had Rob Tucker on the show today because he cares about the results and the activities that help agents get there - through focus, action, and step-by-step accountability measures that, on his platform - Rockstar Agent, are gamified. To make the daily actions that lead to success something that we can't wait to do, rather than dealing with the dreadful dialing. Listen up. You don't have to be a real estate agent to get something out of today's conversation. If you're a manager, a leader, an entrepreneur, investor, or on your way to becoming any one of those, the theory surrounding this platform can be applied to your business as well. You simply need to listen, take notes, and extract the nuggets, and they're there. There's a lot of them. Rob is an Army veteran, a seasoned tech developer, and a real estate professional that's been in the industry long enough to be an authority - his voice is one of the ones we should be listening to now. So what do you say, Rockstar? Let's get into it!Link to Special Guest:https://rockstaragent.com/Rockstar Agent is the Real Estate Industry’s first and only all-inclusive coaching platform designed to help real estate offices offer customizable coaching and training to agents in their offices. The platform has over 400 videos with customizable training materials to fit any level of a real estate agent, from the brand-new agent to those building a high-producing sales team.For Video versions of podcast:https://youtube.com/@worleyrealestatenetworkConnect with Jeramie and our businesshttps://www.linkedin.com/company/worleyrealestatenetworkCopy of Jeramie’s Book, Workbook or Audiobookhttps://worleyconsulting.textretailer.com/qc/tlkA3RcG9WLink to our websitehttps://worleyrealestatenetwork.com/For a free trial to the best investment grade Short Term Rental Data tool for locating the best deals out there and to help Investors and Agents achieve mastery in their real estate business:https://vrolio.typeform.com/cocktailndreams
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    52 min
  • Michael Poggi | WEALTH find build invest protect repeat
    May 31 2024

    If you wanted to become a millionaire, and you didn't know where to start, there's one guy that I'd send you to - Michael Poggi, owner and president of the Millionaires Real Estate investment group.

    Michael exemplifies the focus strategy and tactics necessary to create wealth and real estate, and he does it methodically. He's calculated and like a stand-up comedian who tested their material over and over until they slay the audience with perfect material.

    Whether he's speaking, hosting a webinar, or finding deals for his clients, Michael works with a detail and lethal accuracy that I rarely see. A lot of multimillionaires that I meet are very closed off with their secrets, but Michael is an open book. He's incredibly giving, and he's one of the few people that I've met, whose heart is bigger than his wallet.

    I met Michael at an event in Sarasota, Florida, when he was speaking about an investment strategy, and how to make money investing in quarter-acre buildable lots in resort communities. The community that he was referring to was right in my backyard, and here was a guy who was not from around here who had a strategy that was earning him millions each year, and no one around me, including me, was doing this. In addition to his vacant lot strategy, he invests with his self-directed IRA and he's been doing that for years. He can help people build wealth tax-free using none of their own money.

    This is a podcast that I've been wanting to record for over a year, but it's one that I desperately wanted to do in person because I can tell that there's more to Michael, than his powerful suits and strategies. It took me a while to get him to Branson, but he came and shared this strategy at one of our live training events. We went into the studio and we put this episode together for you.

    He's one of the most genuine and giving men that I've ever met, and he shares with us a taste of that strategy, as well as the forces behind his career, the influential family that pushed him in the right direction, the major successes he's had as a stockbroker and the dot com era, and some of the major failures that he's had as an entrepreneur as well. Michael's ability to come back to life after a major setback, make a mint, and share that strategy with us - in my eyes makes him a hero. They say you're not supposed to meet your heroes but I'm friends with mine. Enjoy!

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    59 min
  • Chloe Millard | Container Homes - Leave Your Box Behind
    May 20 2024

    One of the hot topics in real estate right now is affordable housing and whether or not builders can meet this demand. Right now, 3 million people are turning 30 each year for the next 25 years and the income gap isn't getting any smaller. We need houses. Not just workforce housing but resorts, hospitality, luxury, and another category growing in popularity is life off-the-grid.

    One phenomenal entrepreneur working hard to fill this demand is Chloe Millard. She's a high-energy, luxury marketing specialist with container home technology that is worth taking a look at. I've been in real estate for nearly two decades, and I've seen people attempt to solve this niche with container homes, but the challenge always seems to outweigh the effort.

    You can't finance them with Fannie or Freddie or FHA, and in some cases, you can't get a loan at all. Do they appreciate stick-built homes? Or are they classified as modular? Zoning regulations shut them down all the time because they're new and different.

    Chloe and her team are changing all that. They're finding a way forward and she shares some of those secrets with us today. You'll learn about that and have the opportunity to connect with her more.

    What I was most fascinated by were two side conversations that I had a hard time letting go of. One, as a first-generation entrepreneur, Chloe and I are both Midwestern suburban-raised kids with no entrepreneurial support group, and we found ourselves in this race to lift our careers among a sea of pirates, tax collectors, and madmen. I mean, take away the security of a well-paying job and all bets are off. It's hustle or hell-in-a-handbasket and choosing the life of a business owner can be taxing on your spouse and family. I was so thankful that she shared the sacrifices that so many of us have had to endure and don't ever talk about. She's made more than a few. And she also shared what life was like as a female founder.

    I see this phrase mentioned and even celebrated but if I'm being honest with you, I don't know why. I'm a dude; to me, work is work. I mean, how much different can it be for a woman than a man in business? So I dug in and asked why.

    Wow is all I can say. I have a real understanding and newfound respect for women and the challenges that they face that I will never have to face. She takes it all on with grace, enthusiasm, and style that can captivate a room because she's smart and experienced; she knows what she's talking about, which is finally what we need in this niche.

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    1 h et 12 min
  • Candice Amundson | Be A Resource For Life's Biggest Moments
    May 6 2024

    We’ve interviewed a lot of seasoned pros from a variety of different industries to help you identify those little recipes for success. Like a cocktail, it’s made with a dash of this and a squeeze of that and has become so popular over time that it gets its own name. You ask for it, and you expect it to be good, but each restaurant or bar or private party may have their own spin on it. But hey, an old fashion is an old fashion. It fits the occasion.

    Today, we’re drinking the Worley Real Estate Network’s special reserve, that fine-aged spirit that comes with grit and a punch in the nose. It’s complex but refreshing and it leaves you with a sophistication that you didn’t know you could ever achieve. When people see you holding that glass, they say, dang, I should have ordered one of those. What’s interesting about this episode is that we put a spritz of Vrolio in there. Data science, mentorship, and coaching, and when you combine all of that with a real estate agent as smart as Candice Amundson, you get results.

    Candice is smart. She’s detailed, takes time to learn and understand things, and has the courage to share her knowledge with whoever will listen. It’s a beautifully lethal combination and it’s landed her with leads and lots of them. Candice has a story that’s very special to me. She recently had the courage to leave an abusive relationship, move her son away as a single mom, and start her business. She started as most agents do on a team or with good intentions, but soon realized that she was built for more and made the decision to specialize in working with investors. She joined WREN, a.k.a. Worley Real Estate Network, and the Vrolio data tool and has accomplished in months what many agents take years to do.

    In the last 30 days, she’s been invited on six podcasts, has become the thought leader for investment acquisitions in her market and sent me a text recently showing me one investor who has millions to deploy and wants to buy five properties now. Listen, you can watch the news and freak out about what’s going to happen in this industry or you can be like Candice. She’s kicking butts and taking names because she’s so giving, so smart, and is proving her value. That’s worth every dime of the money that you’d pay her. In fact, you’d be crazy not to do business with her.

    Here’s the thing. As mentors and coaches, we cannot take credit for success. We lay the highway and our students do the driving and it’s my honor and privilege to share this data-backed investor agent with you. She’s a super positive person who starts her day with gratitude and a relentless drive to win. Her opinions are based on facts. And if you’re an investor looking to invest in Minnesota, you can stop looking because I found your agent. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to my friend, Candice.

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    1 h et 9 min
    Apr 19 2024

    I would like to introduce you to somebody that has a very meaningful life philosophy. And that Mantra is “Stop being disgusted with your life and start doing things that matter”. That alone will create a broad smile that is a billboard that will attract people and opportunities like you have never seen in your life. An example of this is coach Katie. She moved across the country and expanded her business in a new town where she didn't know anybody. She had the conviction to raise her standards to do things like stop drinking alcohol forever and to start doing things. Someone with a great smile and a sunny disposition and all of these were created intentionally even down to the place where she wakes up every morning she chose Florida because even when it's raining it's sunny she says and she realized that that has a positive effect both on her environment and her attitude and both matter and the combined to create a recipe for success.

    Coach Katie is a rockstar entrepreneur, mother of two, and award-winning business coach and will help you recover from burnout to live a life you love. Katie is also referred to as "Katie the Mortgage Lady" and has been a top producer helping over 1,000 families while originating over 200 Million in loans. Katie is a former realtor and has a background in corporate training and hospitality, which means she has a passion for service and takes a consultative approach. Due to her incredible success and growth, she created The Coach Katie brand, where she coaches other women to scale their businesses while balancing being a mom.

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    1 h et 4 min