
  • Farmer's Daughter Capybara Edition, Coffee Before Bed #4
    Jan 12 2024

    Three episodes last year, one episode already this year who the fuck do i think I am? John Doe Rogan? My cats are fighting while I'm writing this so no link dump this episode.

    We're going biweekly now, new episodes every other Friday starting today!

    Music by my buddies in Microwave

    Instagram For Show

    Instagram for Morgan

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • Paving The Path To Utopia & Killing an Uber Driver, Coffee Before Bed #3
    Oct 14 2023

    Third episode of the year and we felt it's about damn time to shake things up. In what we are, for now, referring to as the start to our "rebrand" we each give 6 ideas for our perfect utopias, with a short 20 minute detour on dating app strategies.

    Credit to Microwave for letting us use But Not Often

    Links to boys Instagrams:

    Shows Insta




    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 47 min
  • The Moon is a Dog, on a Trampoline, with a Gun, Coffee Before Bed #2
    Sep 3 2023

    The second edition of our new podcast comes just a short 5 months after the release of episode 1. On this pace we will be at episode 100 in 2055 haha. Life gets in the way, sometimes you just have to let it. Or in less stoic words, we're back baby!

    **Be forgiving of audio quality, I'm traveling for work so this episode was recorded out of a hotel room in Arkansas right outside of Memphis. Catch me on Microsoft teams flashing my gun like Ja Morant.

    Credit to Microwave for letting us use But Not Often

    Links to the boys Instagram:

    Shows Insta





    Time Stamps:

    Supported Monologue: 00:00-39:44

    Songs of the Year (So Far): 39:54-57:34

    Farmers Daughter: 57:50-1:27:35

    Show Updates: 1:27:49-1:29:23

    End Of Year Resolutions: 1:29:36-1:54:22

    Outro: 1:54:35-1:56:09

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 58 min
  • Coffee Before Bed #01 w/Chris Demarais & Nick Ghanbarian
    Mar 3 2023

    Time Stamps:

    Supported Monologue: 00:00-34:07

    Chris Demarais: 34:08-1:30:14

    Drawing Board 1:30:19-1:57:08

    Best Little Bug 1:57:14-2:10:34

    Nick Ghanbarian 2:10:40-2:53:13

    Outro: 2:53:17-2:57:13

    Coffee Before Bed is an improv based web show that’s segmented into games, performances, and interviews. Our goal is to provide consumers with an alternative to going out. No plans for Friday night? Grab a cup of coffee or a beer, sit at your computer, and let us bring the art, music, and comedy to you! Or at least one day we hope it's that. In the interim this is the product of a couple buddies with good intentions. Give us some time haha, we'll get there.

    In all seriousness we have been procrastinating making this podcast since 2018. This is like the 8th iteration of this project. At some point in 2020 we had invested about $5,000 into an early version of this show that we had planned on shooting in this really cool studio on Wilshere. But Covid, and several lifetimes of events have gotten in the way of the things we want. typical lol.

    While we may not feel like this is a finished product, it is with great honor, that we publish the first episode of the program. Me and my closest friends look froward to the opportunity to develop this show in front of everybody. So in one uncomfortable expression of vulnerability here we are. I hope you enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed making it. If not? Go suck off a dirtbag or something man we're tryin

    I want to thank: Chris Demarias, of Rooster Teeth, for donating his time to come hang out in swim trunks with the boys! You can follow Chris on Instagram with the link below. And be sure to check out Black Box Down! A true Crime Podcast from the sky!


    Black Box Down

    Nick Ghanbarian, of Bayside, and Legal Speed Coffee for being so nice about us forgeting to press record for the first 20 minutes of his interview... Sorry buddy haha. Nick was so much fun to talk to, please check out his Instagram with the link below. Also be sure to check out one of my favorite Bayside singles ever, Go To Hell, available on all major streaming platforms. Link Below.


    Go To Hell (Bayside)

    If you even remotely enjoyed the episode please like the video and subscribe! To Keep up with us check out our social links below:



    Tik Tok

    Boys Insta:





    New Episodes Every Other Friday @6:00PM EST!!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 57 min