
  • Ep 23 - When they don't act or think like you... how to love like Jesus
    Feb 14 2025

    Happy Valentines Day! Join the Penners today for coffee while they chat about how to be loving towards those who don't think or act like you. What would it look like today if Jesus were to sit with the "tax collectors and sinners"? What does it look like today for you to sit with those people who think and act differently than you? Are you able to do so without trying to 'cancel' someone or the way they live?

    Community Questions:
    1) What kind of people run in your circles?
    2) How do you treat others that think and act differently than you?
    3) How can you show the love of God to your neighbors, coworkers, or family members today who have chosen a different life than the one you lead?

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    36 min
  • Ep 22 - When Hard/Dark Days Approach...
    Feb 7 2025

    Today on the Podcast, the Penners are talking all about those "hard anniversaries" that come every year. The anniversary of a loss, the day you heard the news, a dark day marked by a terrible memory, a day that changed everything. Julia opens up about a few dark days coming up for her and how she deals with the anticipation for all of them.

    Join the discussion by asking these community questions to a trusted friend or family member. Get to know each other deeper, and dig into the hard conversation.

    Community Questions:
    1) Do you have 'Dark Day'? What is it, and when?
    2) How do you usually deal with it... or do you let the saddness and hurt overwhelm you?
    3) What's a practice that you have adopted (or would like to) that helps you keep a healthy mindset around this day?
    4) Do you have trusted people you can turn to and have deep and meaningful conversations with?

    Find the Penners Online:


    thepennersworship@gmail.com --- email questions, comments or prayer requests to the Penners!

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    32 min
  • Ep 21 - When Anxiety Attacks (Julia's Story)
    Jan 31 2025

    Join the Penners this week on the podcast for a conversation all about anxiety. In this surprisingly lighthearted episode, Julia opens up about the times she's landed in the hospital from anxiety, how a simple bee caused her to have a panic-induced seizure and how today, she is off medication and living in peace... mostly.

    (Note: Anxiety is beast that rears its ugly head at random times, and if you are on medication, stay on it if that's what is needed! Julia's story is unique to her as your story is unique to you)

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    • "Anxious for Nothing" by Max Lucado

    • "Peace is a Practice" by Morgan Harper Nichols

    • "Good News for Anxious Christians" by Phillip Cary

    Community Questions:

    1) Do you think there is a difference between worry and anxiety? How would you explain the two?
    2) Have you ever had an anxiety attack? What happened? How did you ground yourself?
    3) What are some practices in your life that help you stay grounded in peace and Jesus?
    4) What are your thoughts on medication when it comes to anxiety?

    Find the Penners online: Email in your questions or topic ideas!




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    47 min
  • Ep 20 - God is Faithful, Even When People Aren't (Infidelity: Derek's Story)
    Jan 24 2025

    Join the Penners for an open conversation about Derek's past relationships and how he's stayed grounded in his faith, even after being cheated on multiple times. Despite experiencing all this heartbreak, he still believes in love and believes that God is faithful through it all - even though he has every wordly reason not to.

    Be encouraged by today's episode and make sure to check out the community questions below to keep the conversation going in your sphere of friends and family.

    As always, thank you for tuning into this episode. If you are enjoying the podcast, please take a moment to share an episode with a friend and if you have any topics you'd love to hear covered, don't hesitiate to send them in! We'd love to hear from you.

    Community Questions:
    1) If your partner cheated on you, do you think you'd be willing to continue putting your trust in them if they asked for forgiveness?
    2) How do you show up for others when their marriages or relationships are breaking down? Do you think you show up well, or do you think this is an area you could work on?
    3) What are some scriptures that keep you grounded in hard times? Share them with a friend!

    The Penners Online:



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    32 min
  • Ep 19 - Living Generously, Tithing, and Blessing Others
    Jan 17 2025

    This week, Derek and Julia sit down to answer a few questions about money. Are Christians required to tithe 10% of their income to the church under the New Covenant? What does being a good steward of our resources look like? What did Jesus call us to do with the blessings He’s given us?

    Tune in to hear stories of how others have shown up in the Penners’ lives during hard times, learn where the 10% tithing principle comes from in the Bible, and much more.

    Community Questions:

    1) Did your family ever talk about finances / budgeting or tithing while you grew up? Do you talk about it now?
    2) Have you been on the receiving end of someone blessing you financially?
    3) How can you steward your money well in the season you are in? What would it look like to bless someone else?

    Find the Penners Online:



    Email : thepennersworship@gmail.com

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    38 min
  • Ep 18 - Happy New Year! Let's talk Marriage Retreat, Core Values, Setting a Budget and more!
    Jan 10 2025

    Happy New Year and welcome back to Coffee with the Penners! Join the Derek and Julia for a lighthearted conversation about why they decided to kick off the year by going on a 3-day focused retreat. Talking about family budget, marriage, parenting, sex life, and more, on today's epiosde the Penners explain why it's a great way to start off the year for any marriage.

    Community Questions:

    1) Have you and your spouse (or you alone) ever done something like this? Did you find it helpful to be intentional with the year ahead?
    2) What area do you think you'd have the hardest time talking about and why? What would be the easist area of life to examine? (Examples of topics: Sex, Finances, Key Relationships, Physical Health, Spiritual Health, Work, Parenting, Family Life, etc).

    Find the Penners online:

    www.instagram.com/the.penners - DM us here asking about how to get a copy of this workbook!

    www.thepennersworship.com - send us an email from our website on how to get a copy for yourself!

    thepennersworship@gmail.com - email us directly with questions or ideas for upcoming podcast episodes!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • Ep 17 - Merry Christmas! All things Traditions, Grief in the holidays and moving forward!
    Dec 27 2024

    Welcome to the last episode of 2024! Join the Penners in their discussion about their childhood traditions, what's carried through to their own marriage traditions, and a conversation about grief.

    Today, Derek opens up a little more about how his second marriage ended (during the Christmas Season), and Julia speaks to those who have lost loved ones. Join the discussion today.

    Community Questions:
    1) Are there things that cause the "grief button" to "hit the walls" this time of year for you?
    2) What are your favorite Christmas Memories?
    3) Is there someone you could reach out to today to let them know you are thinking of them during this potentially heavy season?

    Find the Penners Online:


    Get in touch with the Penners:

    Do you have episode topic ideas? Prayer requests? A scripture passage that you'd love the Penners to explore? Please send an email today!


    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • Ep 16 - Balancing Hurt, Forgiveness, and Healthy Boundaries
    Dec 20 2024

    In today's episode, the Penners jump into a heavy conversation: what does it look like to walk through hurt in relationships? How do you know when it's time to walk away? How do you confront someone who has hurt you but doesn't see the harm they've done? And of course, examples from scipture.

    The Penners get personal, talking about examples from close friendships, family struggles and situations, while also digging into the true context of some key scriptures people use in situations like these.

    Join the Conversation with these Community Questions:
    1) Do you have an example that comes to mind of being hurt and do you think you handled it appropriately, or did your emotions take over?
    2) What are some ways you can set yourself up for success next time a situation arises?
    3) Do you find forgiveness an easy thing to give, or is this something that could be worked on in yourself?

    Find the Penners online:



    Send the Penners an idea topic or question today:


    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min