A morning show directed at comic book fans and the culture around comics. Today I talk about reports by comicsbeat.com on the Diamond Retailer summit. I also touch on why out continuity shows like Marvel's What If? and Star Wars Visions are great as creative outlets for the properties we love. I finish off with a one-shot comic review by Eric Powell of The Goon fame. But this is no Goon, it is Lester of the Lesser Gods!!!
People Mentioned:
Dpiercy 🙈 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_F9blWdUOyIhvTx1Qjr5Q Sleepyreader666 🙈 https://www.youtube.com/user/sleepyreader666
Books talked about:
🕸 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUN211216
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