
  • Why Are People Wearing Those Cloudy Diamonds?
    Oct 18 2023

    We all are going through some things because you know life isn’t always fair but the purpose of this podcast is to keep you encouraged and bring a little bit more joy to your life. I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings but today we are talking about cloudy diamonds. Why do people feel like they want diamonds so bad that they go out and get those replicas? Is it because society said you need some diamonds? You don’t have to wear those big diamonds to be fly. Stop letting people get in your head and making you buy things you just don’t need.



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    16 min
  • Ubers, Elevators and Aircrafts
    Oct 11 2023

    You already know I get excited when I’m behind the microphone so make sure you are locked in for this one. What I need from you all is to simply make sure you bathe before you get in an Uber, Elevator or on an Aircraft. If you are sharing a space with someone you might as well make sure you are keeping yourself clean and smelling nice. Take care of yourself before you go out and take on the world.



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    16 min
  • Stop Trying to Mess With Your Hair
    Oct 4 2023

    I have a question…Why do y’all keep messing with your hair and putting weird dyes in it? It’s not making you look any younger and aren’t you worried about all that leaking out of your head? It’s time to embrace the age you are and stop trying to get rid of that gray and white hair. Enough is enough, people are doing way too much to try and ‘fix” their hair. It’s time to just love the way you are and throw all those hair modifications away.



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    16 min
  • Get Your Self-Esteem Up
    Sep 27 2023

    Life is crazy and it definitely isn’t easy so be ready because I have an important message for you today. Your self-esteem should not drop when I walk in the room. Command the room and have a little confidence please. There’s a bunch of ways where you can get your self-esteem up whether it be therapy or some sort of self-healing. It’s not about what you are driving, it’s not about what you are wearing, it comes down to you when we are talking about confidence. At the end of the day, you are not going to bring me down even if you think that will help bring you up.



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    18 min
  • How Will You Show Up?
    Sep 20 2023

    Don’t let anybody take you for granted or tell you how to live your life. You need to carve out your own path and live in your authentic self. I’m going to be honest, some of y’all be looking like a mess. When are you going to start showing up for yourself? Put in a little bit effort and strive for some excellence in your life. Shine everyday like its your last!



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    17 min
  • Be You, Baby
    Sep 13 2023

    I am back so listen to the words coming out of this mouth. There is only one version of you so start loving yourself and just be you. I’m so tired of people trying to be someone that they are not. It’s just not necessary as there is more than enough space in this world for you to be just you. The world isn’t designed to love you so you better learn to love yourself. It is truly liberating to fully embrace who you are and live the life you want to live.



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    17 min
  • Cast Out The Negativity
    Sep 6 2023

    What’s happening everybody? It is time to let the past go and bury all that old negativity. The only way you are going to keep elevating is if you get those negative people out of your circle. Don’t be calling my line if you are just going to be bringing me down with that negative energy. As long as you have air in your lungs you need to keep fighting rather than just sitting around and complaining. Surround yourself with good people that push you forward because if you surround yourself with snakes, you are bound to get bit.



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    17 min
  • With or Without
    Aug 30 2023

    Whether it be a designer bag or some financial success, many of y’all are so concerned about who you are when you got it all. The real question is, who are you when you don’t have those luxuries? You can’t be letting material items, other people or even your job be the only things that define you. Sometimes people just get caught up and forget who they are so it's time to get back to your core.



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    17 min