Common Table Podcast UMC (CPT) is honored to welcome Ralph Singh, Founder, Wisdom Thinkers Network. He is an educator, speaker, author, and practitioner in the Sikh religious tradition. Ralph is devoted to finding and naming our shared values in a diverse culture and a pluralistic religious landscape. Many voices, many ideas, many religions, and many ways of loving one another through a faith language.
Listen in as Ralph and the Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host of CTP, discuss these shared values, and how the Sikh's were attacked just after 9/11, outside of Syracuse, NY. Listen in and hear how mercy was the first thing that came from the hearts of the congregation as the temple burned, and how Ralph spoke forgiveness at the sentencing trial of the arsonists.
As a matter of justice, the Social Holiness Team of UNY AC UMC offers that as Christians our call from Christ is: "to love one another as I have loved you", Jn 13:34. No exceptions! So to set aside people who wear turbans and practice their beloved faith differently that do Christians, is not a loving thing for a Christian to do. Listen to CTP for ideas on how to see shared values that build bridges, not differences that build walls between us.
For more on Sikhism:
For more on Ralph Singh and his organization:
The Creation Justice Team, part of UNY AC UMC General Board of Global Ministry, is now supporting the Common Table Podcast UMC. Creation Justice, Creation Care, climate change disruptions to the health of the Earth, and how to prayerfully respect and love the creation we were born on, will be our focus.
Formally sponsored by the Social Holiness team of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we hope that you continue to enjoy the podcasts produced with the theme of justice and compassion.
We aim to lift awareness and offer education to matters of justice in the human community in the name of Christ. Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host.