Learn how to make your words count every time you write or speak in this talk with JD Schramm, Lecturer at USC Annenberg and a Keynote Speaker, Communication Consultant, Coach & Author. We talk about his book Communicate with Mastery. You never have a perfect call, talk, or email, but the goal in communication is: to get better and better.
- LinkedIn: JD Schramm
- Book: Communicate with Mastery
- Book: Guide to Presentations (Lynn Russel, Mary Munter)
- Book: Resonate (Nancy Duarte)
- Tedx: The secret structure of great talks (Nancy Duarte)
- Website: DanPink.com (Daniel H. Pink)
- Website: Vocal Justice (Shawon Jackson)
- YouTube - Stanford Graduate School of Business: The Cost of Conformity (Shawon Jackson)
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- Follow on LinkedIn: Desiree Timmermans
- Email us: podcast@helptogrowtalk.com
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