
  • Cognitive Dissonance with BPD & Complex Trauma
    Feb 1 2024

    Cognitive dissonance is the internal battle that happens when information we receive clashes with the core beliefs we have developed throughout our life, mainly during development. 

    Cognitive Dissonance is a huge part of borderline personality disorder and other complex traumas. Understanding this we can start to make SMALL changes to start to reframe our core beliefs SLOWLY and work to build a self that we align with. 
    It is here that we can feel empowered in who we are understanding that there really isn’t anything wrong with us. We are all living our own lives doing our own things and we are enough just as we are. Struggling does not make anyone less than or any less successful. Recovery is learning to see the beauty in ourselves and finding compassionate wonder to explore ourselves fully. We do recover! We are not bad, broken, or crazy!

    If you want to build your own personalized toolbox and gain a deeper personal understanding you can schedule a zoom session with me on my website: https://completelymentalcoaching.square.site/ 

    I also have free links and resources on my website as well!

    Email Traumatalk999@gmail.com with inquiries 

    Thanks for listening! 

    Visit my website to schedule coaching sessions, and for more resources! Completely Mental Coaching

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    12 min
  • Setting SMART Goals & Changing Your Self-Talk!
    Dec 29 2023

    Many people set themselves up to fail with their radical new year's resolutions! Reminder for the new year, small changes lead to lasting changes. We have to set SMART goals to increase the odds for success. 

    The other mistake people make is not changing their self-talk. You can make so many changes in your life however if you don’t change HOW you talk to yourself you wont build lasting changes. 

    This Podcast covers the importance of setting S.M.A.R.T goals, and positive change talk. Ill share ways to implement SMART goals into your life, and give you great tools to change HOW you talk to yourself to help you meet your goals! 

    Visit my website to schedule coaching sessions, and for more resources! Completely Mental Coaching

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    10 min
  • Borderline Personality Disorder - Splitting
    Oct 14 2023

    Splitting is 1/9 traits of BPD however it is called Affective Instability. 

    Splitting with Borderline Personality Disorder is HARD! Its so much more than anyone can see. It takes both a mental & physical toll on us that lingers. It can weaken our immune system making as more likely to get sick often. We can make ourselves sick in these moments on pure stress alone. Coming out of this state takes time and alot of compassion.

     BPD is complex you need at least 5/9 traits to be considered for BPD. Mental health overlaps a lot, but so does recovery! BPD is currently being studied as a neurodevelopmental disorder - a disorder that is caused by abnormal brain development. Mental illness is not a choice, while there is no "cure" for BPD and no medication that specifically targets any of the 9 traits of BPD there is remission and around 85% of people with BPD reach remission in their life. We are not bad or broken people. Stigmatizing a disorder helps NO ONE, it only hinders future healing. It creates an environment where people fear getting the help they need to form stronger neuropathways in a positive direction. There is no normal, healing is a lifelong journey, work to understand vs. stigmatize. 

    Visit my website to schedule coaching sessions, and for more resources! Completely Mental Coaching

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    10 min
  • Borderline Personality & Relationships
    Jun 30 2023

    It can feel impossible to have a relationship with Borderline Personality Disorder or trauma in general. However with understanding, communication, boundaries,  and emotional attunement  you can build a truly magical relationship. There is NO PERFECT relationship, there is no one shoe fits all. We are all unique including our relationships! We all have different love languages, communication styles, and traumas. When we work to understand our partners we see that its us against the problems not each other! (Mental Life Coaching on my channel) 

    Visit my website to schedule coaching sessions, and for more resources! Completely Mental Coaching

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    13 min
  • Identity Disturbance
    Mar 30 2023

    People with BPD have a lack of self! This is a core trait of BPD Let's Talk About It!

    Visit my website to schedule coaching sessions, and for more resources! Completely Mental Coaching

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    15 min
  • Borderline Personality Disorder Let's Talk About It!
    Mar 1 2023

    My name is Becca I have Borderline Personality Disorder! I Want to help pull people out of the darkness that is BPD. I want to spread awareness & empower people to take control of their life.
    Sometimes we just need the right support and tools to get through the darkness; to find the light inside of us. 

    We are worthy of healing & Love we can change our mind. 
    Take a trip into mine and let me show you how! 

    Visit my website to schedule coaching sessions, and for more resources! Completely Mental Coaching

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    16 min