
  • Finding GOD within our physical body not without
    Aug 22 2023

    When most people pray, they pray to GOD in heaven or some other place that exists outside their physical body. GOD exists in every cell of our physical body. Treat your body so it is a worthy temple for GOD.

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    38 min
  • Healing Body, Mind and Spirit
    May 3 2023

    Understand how to heal body, mind and spirit at the same time. When body, mind and spirit are in balance with each other you experience peace.

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    22 min
  • Mental Health
    Apr 4 2023

    Mental health is a popular and important topic. It is important to learn to understand our thought patterns and not to get caught up judging them. Most people have self-defeating or other negative thought patterns. Once you understand why you have those thoughts and understand how it doesn't serve you to think like that you can change.

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    30 min
  • Don’t let our perceived limitations define our journey
    Feb 23 2023

    Don't let our perceived limitations in our life define our journey. We perceive we have limitations such as pain, stress, knowledge, etc. We go around telling others about our pain, suffering or other limitations. If we see ourselves as healed and whole, then that is what we create.

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    29 min
  • Live life inside out, not outside in
    Jan 19 2023

    For most people the events of life around them changes who they are inside. They let the news, weather or other people's words and actions change how they think and feel about themselves. Know who you are at a soul level. Don't allow anything or anyone to take your inner peace from you.

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    27 min
  • Protecting yourself from Darkness - Beginning Mistakes
    Dec 31 2022

    Darkness seems to be everywhere these days. We often make mistakes protecting ourselves from darkness and end up drawing more darkness to ourselves.

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    26 min
  • GOD is the Awareness of Love
    Nov 29 2022

    GOD is the Awareness of Love. Love is Source, Eternal Divine energy. Gods' Awareness of Love created all existence. Our Awareness of GOD creates our Human experience.

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    32 min
  • What does it mean to be human
    Sep 23 2022

    Have you ever wondered if there is more to life than our physical existence and the struggle to balance health, emotion and an overactive mind? Learn to have balance and harmony between the physical and spiritual realms simultaneously.

    (The volume decreases just after the 8th minute. I am sorry I hope you enjoy the content)

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    31 min