
  • Georgia 'flips' to Joe Biden
    Nov 6 2020
    The race is over... at least that's what the Democrats, mainstream media, Big Tech, and the other forces of evil want us to believe.
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    12 min
  • If lockdowns work against COVID-19, why is Sweden winning and everyone else is losing?
    Sep 22 2020
    Sweden has leveled off almost completely while the rest of the world has had second and third COVID-19 spikes. Now, their death rates are lower than ever.
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    13 min
  • #BlueLivesMatter hashtag following LA ambush gets desecrated by radical leftists
    Sep 14 2020
    It's bad enough that two cops got shot in the head in Los Angeles. To make matters worse, Black Lives Matter "activists" decided to try to storm their hospital, then went on social media to proclaim they hoped the victims would die.
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    10 min
  • BLM 'activists' throw bottles, steal property from Trump supporters during Brandon Straka's #WalkAway event
    Sep 7 2020
    So much for peaceful counter-protesters.
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    13 min
  • Will law enforcement stop Daniel Prude riots before they swell up?
    Sep 4 2020
    Police and politicians let the George Floyd and Jacob Blake riots get out of hand. Will they learn their lesson and stop the coming Daniel Prude riots before they turn violent?
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    16 min
  • Kamala Harris on BLM riots: 'They're not going to let up, and they should not'
    Aug 28 2020
    The Democrats' vice presidential nominee fully supports Black Lives Matter riots and warns that they will last beyond the election.
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    42 min
  • No, terrorism in Kenosha is NOT justified by police shooting of Jacob Blake
    Aug 24 2020
    When are riots acceptable? Almost never. They weren't justified following George Floyd's death and they're not justified now.
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    19 min
  • Netflix 'Cuties' is fodder for child sexual predators
    Aug 20 2020
    A movie about 11-year-old girls finding their femininity by "twerking" is just the latest reason to cancel Netflix immediately.
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    16 min