Consistent is a hater proof trait because being reliable is a commendable trait to have. If you’re consistent, you’re also reliable; they go hand in hand. You must overcome stereotypes of your identity like cpt. Colored people time is not something that should be taken lightly. You can’t just go around arriving whenever you feel like it. Being respectful of other people’s time is honorable and memorable. By the way, cpt is just an example of something that has been normalized. This episode is at the top of the list when it comes to hater proof traits. Consistency breeds success.
Guest (Maybe)
Current Headlines
Upcoming Holidays
Random Word Definition And Used In A Sentence
Fax? Or Just My Opinion
The G In God
BBW (Being Black and Winning)
My Two Sense
Hershey Kisses/B.R.R.H. Rhymes
Leaving On A High Note
My schedule is here.
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Put that in your browser and stroke it; you know…keystrokes. I felt I had to explain that for the ones in the back.
Be brave. Be encouraged. Be hater proof.