
  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 44 – COL Eric Hartunian and LTC Paul Milas – On Emerging Technologies and Terrorism: An American Perspective
    Jul 3 2024
    Colonel Eric Hartunian and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Milas, co-editors with Susan Sims of Emerging Technologies and Terrorism: An American Perspective, discuss their newly published collaborative study from the US Army War College Press. The publication focuses on how terrorists may exploit emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, augmented reality, biotechnology, and nanotechnology from an American and Western Hemisphere perspective over the next 5–10 years. They highlight the pace of technological development and the need to safeguard against terrorist exploitation of these innovations. E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or the collaborative study. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI, drones, nanotechnology, agriculture, augmented reality
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 43 – Zachary Griffiths and Leyton Summerlin – The Harding Project
    Jun 12 2024
    Lieutenant Colonel Zachary Griffiths and Sergeant First Class Leyton Summerlin of the Harding Project discuss military discourse and why it matters, the impact of professional writing, tips for aspiring writers, and more. Named after Major General Edwin Forrest Harding, the Harding project focuses on US Army professional publications with the intent to renew and revive them. Keywords: Harding Project, professional discourse, US Army journals, writing, publishing E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or the genesis article.
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 42 – BG Shane P. Morgan and MAJ Brennan Deveraux – On Lessons Learned and Unlearned: The Drivers of US Indirect-Fire Innovation
    May 29 2024
    Indirect-Fire Innovation, and Brigadier General Shane P. Morgan, 56th Field Artillery commandant at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, discuss Deveraux’s book, military professional discourse, and the future of the Field Artillery branch. Keywords: military innovation and adaptation, indirect fire, combat lessons, professional discourse, Field Artillery Journal, Field Artillery Professional Bulletin, future military capabilities E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or Major Deveraux’s book, the genesis of the conversation.
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 41 – Paul Lushenko, Rob Sparrow,and Adam Henschke – AI, Trust, Culture, and the Military (Part 2)
    May 29 2024
    Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, this podcast proposes that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs, teams of humans under the control, supervision, or command of artificial intelligence. It examines the likely composition of the future force and prompts a necessary conversation about the ethical issues raised by minotaur warfighting. The guests also explore culture and trust in relation to AI and the military. Keywords: manned-unmanned teaming, centaur warfighting, artificial intelligence, future force, ethics, trust
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 40 – Paul Lushenko, Rob Sparrow,and Adam Henschke – AI, Trust, Culture, and the Military
    May 15 2024
    Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, this podcast proposes that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs, teams of humans under the control, supervision, or command of artificial intelligence. It examines the likely composition of the future force and prompts a necessary conversation about the ethical issues raised by minotaur warfighting. The guests also explore culture and trust in relation to AI and the military. Keywords: manned-unmanned teaming, centaur warfighting, artificial intelligence, future force, ethics, trust E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or the genesis article.
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 39 – Dr. Jared M. McKinney, Dr. Peter Harris, Col. Rich D. Butler, and Josh Arostegui – Deterrence Gap - Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait - Part 2
    Apr 24 2024
    The likelihood China will attack Taiwan in the next decade is high and will continue to be so, unless Taipei and Washington take urgent steps to restore deterrence across the Taiwan Strait. This monograph introduces the concept of interlocking deterrents, explains why deterrents lose their potency with the passage of time, and provides concrete recommendations for how Taiwan, the United States, and other regional powers can develop multiple, interlocking deterrents that will ensure Taiwanese security in the short and longer terms. By joining deterrence theory with an empirical analysis of Taiwanese, Chinese, and US policies, the monograph provides US military and policy practitioners new insights into ways to deter the People’s Republic of China from invading Taiwan without relying exclusively on the threat of great-power war. In this episode, Dr. Jared M. McKinney, Dr. Peter Harris, Col. Rich D. Butler, and Josh Arostegui discuss Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait and the possible trajectories for China and Taiwan over the coming decades. Keywords: China, Taiwan, deterrence, One China, Chinese Communist Party, Silicon Shield, deterrence theory E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or the genesis article.
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 38 – Dr. Jared M. McKinney, Dr. Peter Harris, Col. Rich D. Butler, and Josh Arostegui – Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait - Part 1
    Apr 12 2024
    The likelihood China will attack Taiwan in the next decade is high and will continue to be so, unless Taipei and Washington take urgent steps to restore deterrence across the Taiwan Strait. This monograph introduces the concept of interlocking deterrents, explains why deterrents lose their potency with the passage of time, and provides concrete recommendations for how Taiwan, the United States, and other regional powers can develop multiple, interlocking deterrents that will ensure Taiwanese security in the short and longer terms. By joining deterrence theory with an empirical analysis of Taiwanese, Chinese, and US policies, the monograph provides US military and policy practitioners new insights into ways to deter the People’s Republic of China from invading Taiwan without relying exclusively on the threat of great-power war. In this episode, Dr. Jared M. McKinney, Dr. Peter Harris, Col. Rich D. Butler, and Josh Arostegui discuss Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Straight and the possible trajectories for China and Taiwan over the coming decades. Keywords: China, Taiwan, deterrence, One China, Chinese Communist Party, Silicon Shield, deterrence theory E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or the genesis article.
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  • Conversations on Strategy Podcast – Ep 37 – Luke P. Bellocchi, Jamie Critelli, and Gustavo Ferreira – On China’s Global Impact
    Mar 27 2024
    In this episode, Dr. Luke P. Bellocchi, Major Jamie Critelli, and Captain Gustavo Ferreira address strategic concerns the United States should consider when evaluating the current Asia-Pacific environment, including Taiwan’s potential food insecurity should China invade or blockade Taiwan, China’s supply of rare-earth elements and how a conflict with China might affect the US technology and defense sectors, and ramifications for the global economy if a Chinese blockade around Taiwan is successful. E-mail usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil to give feedback on this podcast or the genesis article. Keywords: China, Taiwan, food insecurity, rare-earth elements, global economy
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