
  • #17 Why Your Presence Means Everything!
    Mar 5 2025

     So here's a heartwarming story that got me thinking about how much our actions, big and small, can impact the people we love.



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    6 min
  • #16 Why Compromise is a Disappointment
    Mar 4 2025

     Today's topic is compromise. Why it's a disappointment. I was standing in line and this guy in front of me yelled out, "Compromise!" My guess is that he received a text message from someone that garnered that kind of a response or he was reading an article or whatever, who knows, maybe 100 things. But then it got me to thinking, you've probably heard people say compromise is key. That it's the art of the deal, the foundation of relationships, or the way to keep the peace. Well, I'm not so sure.


    ⁠@COUCHTALES-B4T ⁠YOUTUBEwww.TalesFromTheCouch2.com

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    4 min
  • #15 When Life Gives You Lemons! Make Art
    Mar 3 2025

     Today's episode when Life Gives You Lemons, is also about sublimation. Something we all do, whether we realize it or not, we're diving into the fascinating world of defense mechanisms, specifically sublimation or, turning your trash feelings into treasure


    YouTube video at: ⁠@COUCHTALES-B4T


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    5 min
  • #14 When Romance Feels Like Parenting Pt 2 Bob's POV
    Mar 2 2025

     Okay, so I know what you're thinking. How could I possibly act like that? It's embarrassing to even admit, but I've been in that situation. I was in a relationship with Sarah, and at first everything was great. She was incredible, funny, smart, and just the kind of person I wanted to be with. But after a few months, things started to change.


    ⁠@COUCHTALES-B4T ⁠YOUTUBEwww.TalesFromTheCouch2.com

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    4 min
  • #13 When Romantic Love Feels Like Parenting Pt One
    Mar 1 2025

     When Love Starts to Feel More Like Parenting, What's Going On? Just a disclaimer, this is for fun and general information only, please don't take it as expert advice.

    Have you ever been in a relationship where at first everything seems amazing, but after a while you start to notice some weird patterns? Maybe the person you're with starts to act more like a child than an equal partner. I'm talking about constant attention seeking, expecting constant reassurance, And worst of all, behaving like you're their mom rather than their partner.


    ⁠@COUCHTALES-B4T ⁠YOUTUBEwww.TalesFromTheCouch2.com

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    5 min
  • #12 Why Does Arguing With A Man Sometimes Backfire?
    Feb 27 2025

     Today, we're tackling a spicy topic. Why does arguing with a man's decision often backfire? Now, before we dive in, let me clarify, this isn't about who's right or wrong in relationships, or some outdated, women should be seen and not heard nonsense. This is about understanding some interesting psychological patterns that can help all of us communicate better.


    ⁠@COUCHTALES-B4T ⁠YOUTUBEwww.TalesFromTheCouch2.com

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    6 min
  • # 11 Why Do We Get Anxious / Anxiety And How To Fix It
    Feb 26 2025

     Why do we get anxious? What's actually happening in our bodies when anxiety hits? And most importantly, what can we do to fix it when it feels like the world is closing in on us, before we dive in, just a friendly reminder that this is for informational purposes only, and please do not consider it professional advice.

    Okay, here goes. Picture this, I'm standing in line at the coffee shop last Tuesday, minding my own business, when suddenly my heart starts racing for no apparent reason, my chest feels tight, my palms get sweaty, and there's this voice in my head whispering. Something's wrong. You can't breathe properly. Is this a heart attack? Should you go to the hospital within seconds?

    Voir plus Voir moins
    9 min
  • #10 Why We Assume The Worst When They Don't Text Back Right Away
    Feb 25 2025

     Today, we're talking about a modern day struggle, the panic that sets in when someone doesn't text back right away. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You send a message, you wait, nothing. Your brain starts whispering, did I say something wrong? Are they mad at me? Did they fall into a black hole? Oh, something I've wondered myself. Well, buckle up because today we're going to explore why our brains do this. And spoiler alert, it's not just you.




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    7 min