What if there wasn't any more school for our kids? What if our children only had us as parents to teach them the math, spelling and the mysteries of science? My kids would be in trouble! After talking to my teacher friends, they told me of how they aren't sure there will be schools in the future. Finding Teachers and assistants for classrooms is getting harder all the time. The kids that are in school today, not all but some are very defiant and just wont do what they are asked or told to do. The kids end up being combative and the teachers end up just tying to protect and defend themselves. take a listen as I get their take on what parents need to know about shaping your child into a respectable, prosperous human being. Also get a tip about attending conferences for us parents!
#parenting #teachersarenotparents #willchoolbeathingofthepast #Teachersfacedwithdifiantkids #difiantkids #kidsintherealworld #loveteachers #inspiredbyreflections