• Crème De La Crime Podcast

  • Auteur(s): Sam Randall
  • Podcast

Crème De La Crime Podcast

Auteur(s): Sam Randall
  • Résumé

  • A podcast dedicated to shining light on unsolved disappearances. Join host Sam Randall every Thursday to help bring these people home!
    Sam Randall
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  • What happened to Zachary Ramsay?
    May 5 2023

    Zachary Ramsay:

    Zachary Ramsay was last seen on his walk to school in Great Falls, Montana on February 6th, 1996 when he was 10 years old. He is a Biracial male with brown hair and brown eyes. At the time of his disappearance, he was 4 feet tall and weighed around 100 pounds. He was last seen wearing a blue denim jacket with green sleeves, a blue football jersey with his last name “Ramsay” printed on the back in gold letters, stonewashed jeans, and black high top sneakers. Zach has scars between his eyebrows and on one of his arms. He has dimples and wears glasses, but did not have them at the time he disappeared. He went by his nickname is Zach and his case is classified as a non-family abduction.

    If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Zach Ramsay, please contact the Great Falls Police Department at 406-771-1180.













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    23 min
  • What happened to Ivy Leinen?
    Apr 13 2023
    Ivy Marie Leinen: Ivy Leinen was last seen on March 14, 2010 walking her dogs in Poplar, Montana when she was 11 years old. She is a Caucasian female with brown hair and brown eyes. At the time of her disappearance, she was 5’7 and weighed around 185 pounds. She was last seen wearing a dark pink and maroon floral-print knee length sleeveless dress, blue and white sneakers, and white, black, and pink striped socks with poodles on them. Ivy has 2 raised birthmarks – one on her left shoulder and one on her scalp, which is covered by her hair. She has a small scar in the center of her forehead and a scar on the inside of her left wrist. Ivy may be in need of medical attention. Her case is classified as lost or injured missing. If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ivy Leinen, please contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at (406)-433-2919. Sources: https://medium.com/true-crime-by-cat-leigh/girl-whose-dogs-returned-home-alone-from-walk-likely-fell-through-hole-in-icy-river-4e7a00e5df60 https://www.willistonherald.com/lifestyle/mother-continues-search-for-missing-child/article_de6c3524-3080-55b7-8d28-a118aa7dd957.html https://www.missingkids.org/poster/NCMC/1143038/1/screen/poster https://charleyproject.org/case/ivy-marie-leinen https://int-missing.fandom.com/wiki/Ivy_Leinen https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/MP8911 https://mslservices.mt.gov/Geographic_Information/Applications/GeographicNamesAdvisor/geonamesProposal.aspx?ID=42101
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    11 min
  • UPDATE: How they found Jerome Morris & Robert Hoagland
    Mar 15 2023

    You can listen to the circumstances surrounding Jerome's disappearance in Season 1, Episode 1 - and Robert's disappearance in Season 1, Episode 7.


    Jerome Morris:





    Robert Hoagland:







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    12 min

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