
  • Series Finale - The Sandman
    Oct 15 2023

    We're not saying goodbye, but how about just see you later? Join us here one last time as in this Season 6 Finale turned Series Finale we investigate everyone's favorite dude who throws stuff in your eyes: The Sandman.

    While we didn't go into the episode with intentions of this being the end, it felt like the right time to unplug the mics. And indeed, the AI assisted intro this episode weirdly predicted the end.

    Thanks for following us on this adventure into the unknown and hopefully along the way you learned something and had a few laughs.

    Good news! If you enjoy our content, we aren't exiting the podcast world just yet and will be returning in the future with a brand new show about a completely different subject: movies!

    To all of our Curiosities that have been with us from the beginning, and to those that have jumped aboard this Ghost Train at any time over the years - thank you. Curiosities, you've just been cracked!

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    1 h et 53 min
  • Season 6 Episode 15 - Amateur Loch Ness Hunt, Is Edgar Allen Poe a Time Traveler?, Unknown Texas Creature Sighting, and Baba Vanga Predicts Everything
    Oct 1 2023

    Join us as we explore news articles about a Loch Ness jamboree of amateur monster hunters, the possibility of Edgar Allen Poe being a time traveler, a creature spotted in Texas that looks like nothing ever seen, and a deep dive into the predictions of Baba Vanga. Along the way we discover Headless Belmmyes, Baba's animal-humans, and most of all, discoveries about ourselves. Get it while it's hot! This is our final news episode!

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    1 h et 55 min
  • Season 6 Episode 14 - Pozuelos Pyramid
    Sep 17 2023

    Ever be visited by a tall man with honey-colored eyes and white hair nearly down to the ankles who refers to himself as Herulayka, who then requests you build a 22 foot tall pyramid? Well Raymundo Coronas claims to have! Join us as we explore this curious structure created by a farmer in Mexico and see how this ranks in our listings!

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    1 h et 23 min
  • Season 6 Episode 13 - The Wedge of Aiud
    Sep 3 2023

    Suffering succotash - we have discuss the Wedge of Aiud. Not the Angle of Aiud, nor the Hedge of Aiud, or even the Sloped Object of Aiud. The real deal Wedge. This item, found next to some wonderous mastodon bones gives many people pause; how could a clearly modern object be residing next to a dead mastodon!? Could it be... aliens!?

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    1 h et 5 min
  • Season 6 Episode 12 -The Eternal Fire of Centralia
    Aug 20 2023

    Opps! All fire! Throughout human history there are examples of all sorts of fires that are just so stubborn they just won't go out! This episode we look at the curious coal fire underneath a Pennsylvania town that just won't sputter out, no matter how many millions of dollars gets thrown at it.

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    1 h et 24 min
  • Season 6 Episode 11 - Homunculus
    Aug 6 2023

    Horse wombs - also known as nature's gift box. This episode Matt and Angel investigate the alchemical wonder-child known as the homunculus and all it's horse womb shenanigans. Alchemists, where would we be today with out them?

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    1 h et 23 min
  • Season 6 Episode 10 - News Articles: Ghost Intruder, Trail Cam Witches, Blood-water, & Mirror World Psychics
    Jul 23 2023

    News, its what's for dinner! Well, not really, but we consume the news. I guess that's different than eating it? This episode we look into a man who believes he is a ghost and invades a home, witches caught eating a deer on a trail cam, recycling pig blood into water, and the mirror world study in which if you believe in yourself you too can be psychic!

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    1 h et 15 min
  • Season 6 Episode 9: The Elder Cheese, Bog Butter, and Black Sarcophagus: The Forbidden Snacks
    Jul 9 2023

    Hot dog! We have it all this episode! 3200 year old cheese! Butters preserved in bogs! Sarcophagus juice! And people want to eat all of these!? Join us in this, frankly, unhinged discussion of curious foods aged with... time?

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    1 h et 2 min