
  • Leveraging Team Synergy For Savvy Direct Sales Leaders
    Feb 6 2024

    Hello Savvy Leaders! Today’s episode is about leveraging team synergy. 

    Is this happening on your team already? How can you maximize synergy on your team? 

    You can find the full transcript and all the clickable links at crazybigdreams.biz/108. 

    When all the emerging leaders on your team are working towards a common goal you have efficiency. 

    When you’re leveraging the strengths and skills of your team members you create a culture of collaboration. This allows more existing and new team members to support one another. 

    In turn, this drives each individual and the team toward success. 

    The key takeaway for you to run with here is leveraging the strengths and skills of your team members. 

    Few women wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to share their best practices when you compliment her and praise her for her creativity, ideas, and success. 

    Most will feel flattered and honored to be asked to share with the team. 

    You can do this in a variety of formats. You can interview her. Offer to take questions from the team prior and have a Q and A session at the end. 

    Ensure you give practical tips and how-to’s. If there are any supporting materials this team member used, make sure to have links and easy access to these for others. 

    You could even do a giveaway for some of the items being mentioned and shared. 

    At the end of each of these team member shares, always open up the invitation to the rest of the team. Let them know you’re looking to share best practices, strengths, and skills with them. 

    Have an easy way for them to raise their hand and let you know they’ve had success and are open to sharing. Maybe it’s a Google doc. Maybe it’s a direct text or email with you, however you work best. 

    The most effective way to leverage the strengths and skills of any member of your team is to notice what they’re doing and personally ask. 

    It’s so flattering to be complimented. Especially by you. And don’t wait. If you have a brand new team member who had a quick win go ahead and let her know you want to share this with the team. 

    Make a big big deal about it. 

    And don’t forget about the team members that have been around awhile. They’ve stuck with you and stuck with your company. They plug along and don’t quit. They have strengths and skills others can learn from just the same. 


    Don’t limit who you highlight and why to only numbers and rank advancements. You can leverage so much more if you focus on the behaviors of team members not just the results those behaviors lead to. Right?!

    If you have someone with strengths and skills around anything related to marketing feature this. I’m talking Pinterest, email campaigns, social media reels, text broadcasts, sampling products, or creative in-person activities, have them share their best practices. 

    And have them come back in a month and share the outcome. You can do it in 2 steps. 

    But don’t wait to share the ins and outs of these great tools. There will be so many creative ideas and so many women on your team who offer their style and approach. Leveraging these skills and strengths is key to building a culture of collaboration and teamwork. 

    I can’t wait to hear how you go about featuring these amazing women and their best practices. Will you share it with us? Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and let us know! I can’t wait to connect. 

    The best is yet to come. Always.  

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    6 min
  • Replay: My Most Downloaded Episode To Date!
    Jan 31 2024

    I’m so excited to continue this conversation about wise wealth and taking big leaps to financial freedom. You’ve worked hard to create financial freedom by way of your social selling business.

    Today let’s talk about the future of your hard-earned income. 


    You can find the full transcript of this episode at crazybigdreams.biz/5 OR at crazybigdreams.biz/107. 


    In episode 4 I talked about the difference between money and wealth. This is a great foundation to start with. 


    If you haven’t yet listened to episode 4 you’ll want to listen in to discover why wise wealth is about your future possibilities and opportunities instead of limiting yourself to a money mindset. 


    I also share four ways to check your current wealth wisdom in episode 4. You can take a listen and grab the full transcript at crazybigdreams.biz/4. 


    Does every dollar already have a job in your social selling business? 


    Maybe you’re already familiar with the question “Does every dollar have a job?”. This prompts us to think about whether or not our earnings are accounted for. It encourages intention, planning, allocating, and accounting for every dollar. Smart. 


    Even if we were to decide a certain amount is fun money. We’ve still identified what it’s for and how much.  Giving every dollar a job means we know what’s coming in, where it’s going, and why.


    Does every future dollar in your social selling business have a job? 


    Today we’re focused on giving every future dollar earned in your direct sales business a job. It’s crucial to think about opportunities and possibilities from a crazy big dreams mindset. 


    On the flip side, it’s important to not limit yourself by only considering what you’ve earned in the past. We don’t want to simply add 10% or 25% to what you accomplished last year. 


    Those are numbers to know and be aware of, sure, but when you’re dreaming crazy big dreams you want to plan for your short-term and long-term future goals by focusing on opportunities and possibilities that only crazy big dreams are made of. 


    Whether every current dollar has a job or not is a bit irrelevant to our conversation today. Today is about the future. What you will manifest with your heart, values, soul, spirit, commitment, follow through, and ambition is about the future. 


    Is it helpful to know if every current dollar has a job? Of course! It’s about a spending plan. A budget. Not living beyond your means. Saving wisely. Investing for the future. 


    My sister has worked in the financial industry her entire career. She’s always said there’s a pattern when people have more money. They seem to care a bit less about late payments, late fees, unnecessary expenses, and fees that could be avoided because they have more than they need. 


    It’s insignificant. Yet it reflects a mindset and behavior pattern that doesn’t serve wise wealth. Maybe this is nothing like your habits. But let’s make sure it isn’t. 

    Let's get you totally set for every one of your future dollars to have a job. Go to crazybigdreams.biz/107 for the complete episode and full transcript. 

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    10 min
  • The Key To Confidence As A Financially Savvy Direct Sales Business Leader
    Jan 24 2024

    There is one key factor to being financially savvy and confident as a direct sales business owner. Do you know what it is? 


    Welcome to episode 106. The Key To Confidence As A Financially Savvy Direct Sales Business Leader. 


    You can find the full transcript with all the clickable links at crazybigdreams.biz/106. 


    So what is the key to being confident financially as a leader of your direct sales business? 


    Education. Without question. There is a direct correlation between financial confidence and the level of education around finances, especially for women.


    Don’t overthink this. If your mind is going directly to investments, it’s not all about that. 


    Sure, maybe it’s time for you to finally dive into education around investing. Go for it!


    Let’s first make sure you’re educated on the fundamentals. 



    Start with what’s easy and do what you can. 


    First, get ultra clear on your dreams and goals. Your financial dreams and goals that is. Immediate. Short term in the next 1 to 5 years. And long-term. What are your financial dreams and goals 10 to 20 years from now? 


    Until you dream and have goals around this, it’s not as much fun to get working on how to get there. Starting with clear financial dreams and goals hopefully gets you excited to gain the knowledge to make it happen. 


    You’ll want to work these dreams and goals into your financial plan. You’ll first have to know what they are. Then you’ll have to make a plan. 


    Tackle your debts. What are they? How much? Where? What are the interest rates, if any? 

    Next, build an emergency savings nest. Do you already have one? If so, how much is it? Is this enough? If not, build one. Determine how much emergency savings you need and then determine how long it will take to build this nest. 


    Lastly, set a clear spending plan. Yes. I know! But it’s so important. You have to know where you’re money is going. For many reasons. But getting educated in this area creates so much buy-in and commitment toward making your plan of working your financial dreams and goals into your financial plan. 


    A final important step, stick to it! Not just your spending plan, but continuous monitoring of your financial situation. Debts, if any. Your emergency savings. And your spending plan. 


    Money is always coming and going. To be financially savvy and grow your financial confidence you need to educate yourself on your current situation. If tackling investments is next, great. Investing can help put your earnings to work for you and save for your future. 


    But first, get a handle on these important areas. Your Financial Dreams & Goals. Debt. Emergency Savings. And your Spending Plan. 


    What area do you feel you need the most education? What area do you feel the most knowledgeable about? Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and share! 


    Opening up the dialog about wealth for women is also an important step in becoming financially savvy. 


    The best is yet to come! Always. 



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    6 min
  • Do You Have This Hole In Your Direct Sales Business Planning?
    Jan 17 2024

    Hey leaders! This is episode one hundred and five! We’ve all heard the saying “Plan your work and work your plan”. However many leaders I connect with have a hole in one of these four areas when it comes to planning for their business results. 


    You can find the full transcript of today’s episode at crazybigdreams.biz/105.


    These four areas are annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly planning. 


    Almost everyone has an annual plan for their business. This is all about the crazy big dreams and achievements they set out with. 


    Many also have monthly plans. I do find however that many don’t use this monthly plan throughout the month when working in their business. They simply go about their work and however the month ends up is how the month ends up. 


    Now, this is an advantage for some who have an intentional approach to this. They intend to work in and on their business diligently while focused on their annual goals and plans. 


    They don’t pay attention to whether it’s the beginning or the end of the month. They don’t focus on “close out”. 


    They have the same approach every day regardless of the day of the month. 


    Others however can be less intentional about this and simply, as they self-describe, ‘not be good at goal tracking’ every day & throughout the month. 


    I’ve had so many leaders take note and say “Can you repeat that” when I share how I go about planning for my business. 


    I start with my crazy big dreams. And this is important because it’s uninhibited. I just dream. 

    Like…it would be amazing if I could serve entrepreneurs. It would be amazing if I had my own podcast. It would be amazing to write a book. It would be amazing to have journals and stationary and supportive, business-branded materials for my clients. And so on. 


    So these aren’t goals per se. They aren’t your typical "quote un-quote" smart goals. Specific measurable etc… 


    These are crazy big dreams. Ideas I would love to become reality but feel a little too big and maybe a little “well that would be crazy” to make happen. 


    I take these and then I sit down with what I do know about the year ahead. In my personal and professional life. I’m a military spouse and sometimes we happen to know what’s coming and a lot of the time we truly do not know what’s coming. That’s the nature of the work. 


    Some jobs come with a lot of responsibility. It can be a big job, a lot of travel, a deployment, or a unique set of circumstances. There may be a lot more solo parenting on my part. And then there’s a cushion I have to check myself with because there is a guarantee that something unforeseen will always come up. 
     My ambition rarely matches our reality. What I want to do professionally and what I am humanly able to accomplish because of our military lifestyle and being the first-call parent of two kiddos, well there’s just a big mismatch there. And that’s ok. 


    I love that I’m ambitious and driven. I love that I still have goals and dreams with my business. Even if they are crazy and big. Because there was a time, as a military spouse when I stopped setting goals. I didn’t have personal dreams. And I didn’t feel like myself. At all. Thankfully, I didn’t stay there. 

    Don't miss the five key questions I give you to check in with your business planning! Find any holes you may have. There is an undeniable opportunity for your results by doing so. Go to crazybigdreams.biz/105 for the full episode. 


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    12 min
  • You Have Your Word For The Year, Now What?
    Jan 9 2024

    Hello leaders! Welcome to episode 104! Today we’re talking about your word for the year! More specifically, how to make the most of your year using your word!


    You can find the full transcript of today’s episode at crazybigdreams.biz/104.


    If you don’t happen to have your word for the year yet, I recommend listening to episode number 2. I give you steps and strategies to help you find your word, or as you’ll learn, help your word choose you.  


    Ok, for those of you that have your word here are 3 strategies to use your word to guide you and maximize your results this year. 


    One: each week I want you to begin by looking over your schedule with your word in mind. Look for opportunities where you know your word will be helpful. 


    This may be on days you know you’ll need it. Maybe you have certain events on your calendar that are truly going to allow you to put your word to work. 


    This is for both challenging times and times of celebration. 


    Strategy number two. At the end of each week, I want you to reflect on your week and journal about lessons learned with your word in mind. How did it guide you? How did your word carry you? 

    What situations, interactions, or conversations transpired where your word was essential? What lessons did you learn? 


    Strategy number three. Pick one business goal where you can focus your word this coming week. Will it be financials? Will it be on building leaders? Will it be a business goal related to your personal development as a leader? Which business goal will you choose to focus on and apply your one word? 


    Pick one, and really zone in on your word as you go about your week. The following week, choose a different business goal. Play around with this. Choose a business goal each week that feels timely. 


    I use my word throughout the day as a mantra as well as all of the strategies I just gave you. When I’m challenged, I repeat it in the moment. When I’m wishing the easy way would come, I say my word over and over again to myself. 


    When I’m feeling defeated, discouraged, or doubtful, I remember my word and it creates an immediate shift in my thinking, my energy, and my focus. 


    I remember it because I use these 3 strategies. My focus is intentional. I not only do my weekly planning at the beginning of each week with my word in mind, but I also journal at the end of each week about lessons learned. I also choose a business goal to apply my word for the week. 


    This truly brings it top-of-mind for me. Using it as a mantra throughout the day comes naturally. 


    I hope these strategies have you eager and excited to approach this week and the coming weeks with an assurance you’re doing everything to have your word truly helping you make the most of this year!


    Remember, if you don’t yet have your word, go ahead and listen to episode 2 at crazybigdreams.biz/2. 


    Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and share which strategy you’re excited to implement first! 


    One: Use your word at the beginning of each week as you plan your schedule

    Two: At the end of each week, journal about lessons learned from using your word 

    Three: Choose one business goal to apply your word to this week with intention and focus


    The best is yet to come, friend! Always. 

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    6 min
  • Your Best Direct Sales Year Yet: Part 2
    Jan 2 2024

    Welcome to episode 103. This is part two of two episodes to plan for your best Direct Sales year yet. 


    If you haven’t yet listened to episode 102 I recommend going there now and then listening to this episode. You can find it at crazybigdreams.biz/102. 


    If you’ve already listened to episode 102 you have done some work, you have spent time thinking, maybe journaling, on the three focus areas I gave you in that episode. 


    It’s important groundwork to give you a solid foundation to do the work I give you in this episode. 


    You can find the full transcript of today’s episode at crazybigdreams.biz/103. It can be helpful to skim through the transcript to grab the information I’m giving you and look at the questions. 


    Don’t be fooled at the short length of this episode. It’s packed with key strategies and this is where you’ll spend your time. Implementing what I give you today. 


    Ok, let’s get started. 

     I want you to shift your thinking toward the year ahead, but I want you to start with the end in mind. It is the end of next year. 


    I want you to think about one year from now. Think one year ahead. Whenever you’re listening, think ahead one year from this day. For example, my episodes drop every Tuesday. 


    If you happen to be listening on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024, I want you to say to yourself, ok, it’s January 2nd, TWENTY TWENTY FIVE. 


    Your “Best Year Yet Accomplishments” In Your Direct Sales Business


    As you reflect on your year, what did you accomplish in 2024, over the past year, that made it your best year yet?


    Not your most mediocre year. Not your, so-so, it was an ok year, but your BEST year yet. After all, this is the crazy big dreams podcast you’re listening to. So let’s identify what made it your best year yet!


    As you do this I recommend a good brain dump of things to identify. Just let your mind go. As you brain dump and come up with ideas and things you want to do, create, experience, or accomplish, you’ll get more and more ideas that come up. 


    Just go with it. Capture everything. Use a voice recorder, or pen to paper or type it out, however you work best. Just capture it all. 


    Once you’ve captured everything that comes to mind, and again this isn’t just stuff, it’s what you accomplished to clearly identify that this was your best year yet!


    Once you’ve captured everything I want you to choose your top 8 to 10 achievements. 


    Spend as much time as you need to complete this before moving on. Literally hit pause and do this work and then press play to continue. 


    Looking at your list of top 8 to 10 achievements, Here’s your first question: 


    What did you do differently to achieve these? 


    What did you have to let go of? 


    And because the leader and person you’ve been to get where you are is not the leader and person you need to become to get where you want to go, 


    Who WERE you being to achieve any one of these? Who were you being as a leader? Who were you being as a person? 



    Now write down 1 or 2 things you need to stop doing to be that person and leader. 


    Write down 1 or 2 things you need to start doing to be that person and leader. 


    Go to crazybigdreams.biz/103 to grab the rest of my strategies for your best year yet! I can't wait to see what you accomplish!

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    8 min
  • Preparing For Your Best Year Yet As A High-Achieving Direct Sales Leader
    Dec 27 2023

    Welcome to episode 102! I’m so happy you’re here. To say I’m excited about this message today is truly an understatement. This is what I love, almost more than anything else, to help leaders with. 


    It’s also what I personally enjoy working through myself. And it is work. So we’re here today to give you some things to work on for your best year yet. 


    Have you been ancy and eager to do some planning for your year ahead but unsure where to start, and how to go about it? You want to prepare but you also want to be thorough. You really just want a simple straightforward effective guide. 


    You’re in the right spot! I’m so excited to do this with you!


    You can find the full transcript of this episode with all the clickable links at crazybigdreams.biz/102.


    Before we dive in, let me set this up. This is part one of two episodes. You’ll need and want time to spend on this message before listening to part two. Together they set you up for your best year yet. 


    All of my episodes are timeless. Meaning it doesn’t matter what time of year you listen, or where you’re at in your business journey, my intent is for the message to always be timely and valuable. 


    Although that is true for today’s episode as well, I hope you’ll listen at a point when you’re ready to plan for the year ahead, as in turning the calendar from one year to the next. 


    Today is about getting in a helpful head-space, with key questions and strategies to get you ready for the year ahead. 


    If this is finding you at any other time of the year this message can also be relevant and timely any month of the year when you need to hit the reset button for example. It could be after a big life change or a big business change. It could also be during a time when you’re kind of in a funk, things aren’t going as you want them to, and maybe you’re thinking, “What am I really doing? What’s this all for? I need to regroup.”


    Those times would also be relevant, timely, and helpful. 


    I hope you’re listening when you’re planning for the year ahead. And if you’ve already done your annual planning for the year ahead,  Awesome!! 


    I invite you to keep listening. You’ll either get a big dose of validation or you’ll get that and a few more points of value to add to what you’ve already done. 



    Let me share that I facilitate an actual workshop around this topic today. Meaning it comes with an actual workbook. I walk you through it. So keep in mind this is the short and sweet version of that without discussion, the workbook, or Q and A. 


    I’ll give you more on those options before we’re done today. 


    But for now, sit back and simply listen. Let yourself take this in. And I don’t know, if you’re driving or doing something else while listening, maybe you need to come back when you have more head space to truly use this to your advantage. 


    This message, my entire business really, is based on the message that the leader you’ve been to get where you are is not the leader you need to become to get where you want to go. 


    You hear it at the beginning of every episode. Because it is the truth. Every time I share this when I’m speaking (in person or virtually) I see light bulbs go off. I get people’s attention. They look up. They pick up their pens and write it down. They ask me to repeat it. 


    For your three focus-area strategies on preparing yourself for your best year yet go to crazybigdreams.biz/102. We are just getting started!

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    13 min
  • A Super Simple Focus Strategy For Busy Direct Sales Leaders
    Dec 20 2023

    Hey savvy, high-achieving leaders!  Thank you for tuning in to episode 101 of Crazy Big Dreams Podcast!

    Today’s episode is short and sweet. This is a super simple strategy for you to get the results you’re after. The big thing you want. The crazy big dream but a specific, right now part of it that you can zone in on. 


    You can find the full transcript of this episode with all the clickable links at crazybigdreams.biz/101.



    Some might call this a vision board, goal poster, future board whatever you want to call it. 


    However you feel about these vision boards I want you to set it all aside. That’s not this.


    Whether you’ve done them in the past or not. Whether you feel they’ve worked or not. If you feel you just don’t have time for it. Maybe you like the idea but when will you have the time and space to sit down and do anything about it? 


    I know. 


    So here, today, I want you to let go of all of that for this one simple strategy. Let me tell you why. 


    Because you have to have one main focus. You have to have it front and center. Focus is important. 


    If you think back through the last year, the times when you lost your drive, things dipped back a bit, and you felt a bit down about where you’re at and what you’re doing day-to-day. The times when things felt heavy. The times when you justified the break, the stepping back, but deep down, you knew there was more to it all. 


    All of this is quite normal and common. These are two different things you know! Normal and common. 


    It happens. To all of us. And, AND we can also have one main focus as a strategy to help guide us OR help us get re-focused. And this is where my super simple strategy for your vision comes in. 


    You have to have a focus, right? So you need to be able to name your "why" in fairly simple terms. Others on the outside looking in at your success are surprised by the fact that many high-achieving leaders have kind of kept going without truly putting their finger on their "why". 


    It’s changed over time. Right? It may feel as though there are many "whys" at this point in your success. 


    That’s ok. It is so common. 


    For this strategy, I want you to sum up in one overarching or specific way what you want. 


    Here are some ideas: 


    Create experiences for your family


    No college debt for your kids


    Private school paid in full through senior year 


    A second, third, fourth home


    Create experiences for you


    Grow your team to ‘x’ level


    Hit the super stretch wealth goal you have. 


    You get the idea. 


    You may have more than one, great!  I want you to choose your top pick. The one that is most important right now. Keep the rest. But choose one that is your top pick for now. 


    Once you’ve settled on your top pick, I want you to choose one picture that represents this. Not a word or a quote or scripture. A picture. 


    This is so important. A picture can represent so much. Especially because it can create a feeling when you look at it. So many more of your senses are brought into this when you look at a picture. 


    For the rest of this super simple focus strategy go to crazybigdreams.biz/101. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    9 min