
  • Special Encore Presentation: Support for the Spirit to Decrease the Dominance of the Mind
    Jan 31 2014
    If we are worried, then we are favoring mind energy. Worries come from the mind, not the heart. Gain clarity, receive holistic life coaching & daily tools w/free clearings to help feed the essential part of our system that is not the mind: our spirit. Us humans are comprised of a trinity: mind, body & spirit. The Chinese culture doesn't separate out the spirit from the heart; they’re the same word, shen. The importance of the positive emotions from the heart, or spirit, like joy, are seen as natural & are cultivated within the Buddhist & Yogic worlds. Whereas the negative emotions, like obsessive thinking, is seen as that - thinking. It is of the mind. There are tools that can help to reinforce & strengthen the presence of the spirit, or Higher Self, in our life. It feels like a softening, as opposed to the aggression of judgement from the mind. Come gain some gentleness for yourself so you can thrive! It is our natural state - joy & thriving...we just mess it up w/our minds.
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    58 min
  • Special Encore Presentation: Energy and Consciousness: What are they really and what can they do for me?
    Jan 24 2014
    The word energy carries many connotations and consciousness is just beginning to be used, while in other cultures they are seen as the keys to health, vitality and well-being. They're considered the foundation to a life full of abundance, love, joy and well-being; a life well lived and lived with wellness. Once you understand what each are, learning how they work is next. After understanding the basic laws they operate within, next is being guided to see how your thoughts, beliefs, reactions, behaviors and choices effect your energy and circulate consciousness - or shut it down - throughout your body, and within your life. So you are then equipped to create your best life ever! Yet will you? What stands in your way of peak health, vitality, well-being, joy and abundance? That is what looking into your own consciousness can tell you. Beyond the everyday mundane choices your mind may seem to conclude are all that's available, what else is possible? What if there's nothing wrong?
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    56 min
  • Special Encore Presentation of The Science Behind Consciousness and Energy with Dr. William Tiller, We Humans are Much More Than We Think We Are
    Jan 17 2014
    Another scientist sourced in my book’s late December release What if There is Nothing Wrong?, Dr. William Tiller, former professor of Materials Science & department chair at Stanford University from 1964 to 1998, says that for the last 400 years an unstated assumption of “old” science is that human intention can't affect what we call physical reality. This is no longer accurate, as his pioneering work within Psychoenergetic Science shows. One of the leading scientists of the New Sciences, leaving Orthodox science behind to have more freedom to explore consciousness w/science, he says that future medicine will be based on learning to control the energy frequencies of the body. His cutting edge work builds a reliable bridge of understanding thru the various domains of how nature manifests, both in the external physical as our sciences have already studied & the more subtle domains of inner reality typically studied in the East & then how they strongly join w/the domain of spirit.
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    56 min
  • Special Encore Presentation of ThetaHealing Master Brent Phillips joins us, Get Ready for a Boost in joy, abundance, health and wealth!
    Jan 10 2014
    Brent Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle change when his arm (immobile/frozen at the elbow after a surgery) healed in an instant after 1 session of Theta Healing! So transformed by this experience he gave up his career in technology, dedicating himself to master instant healing & personal holistic transformation. Today, he shares the magic & miracles of Theta HealingTM w/his students & clients around the world. Theta HealingTM is a holistic healing technique directly addressing your subconscious mind to fix the bugs in your software, allowing miraculous instant healings & profound transformations. Transform your health, finances, relationships or spirituality; Theta is a surprisingly fast & easy way to make the permanent & lasting changes you desire so you can thrive. It is the only energy medicine I use that I don’t fully “get” the mystery behind it - and that’s cool! I'm an Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner, using it daily w/my clients.
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    56 min
  • Holistic Change & Practices to Support
    Dec 27 2013
    How do we create our best lives ever? What if it doesn't seem like it's showing up? What practices & tools best support my changing holistically - in mind, body & spirit - ensuring that this change roots in my system for good? What does that typically look like? These questions and more are explored as Alison outlines this Energy Gateway time of cleansing & purging in order to bring in the new Era that we entered into last December 21st. Our world has changed over the past year; we can see signs of spiritualizing the mundane increasingly. This new Era of Humanity's Spiritual Awakening & The Era of the Restoration of Feminine Consciousness predicted by many major ancient sources including Nostradamus and the Mayans is birthing a brand new world for us - and we are here now helping that happen, whether we recognize it consciously or not. How do we make the most of these cleansing, supportive energies for us to Create our Best Lives Ever? What else is possible? Tune in to gain a glimpse.
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    58 min
  • The Nature of Our Times: Increased Well-being, Ease & Abundance!
    Dec 20 2013
    What are the nature of our times? This energy gateway exemplifies it, as we usher in this new era in humanity, transitioning out of a Newtonian physics world where life is predictable, concrete sequential & linear into one based on Quantum Physics, where time & space aren't quite so solid & predictable anymore, and things can change in an instant. This helps us change more quickly too - & manifest! We're in the midst of an energy gateway that began with the full moon on 12/17, goes into the winter solstice, peaking at Christmas time, helping us shift into the new year, completing mid January. In these times we’re cleansing even more old & entering into even higher frequencies available for us to flourish w/well-being & increased ease! This Energy Gateway, as is life in general in these times, promises increased OPPORTUNITY - especially when we are aligned with our Higher Self, creating more meaningful lives for ourselves that then contribute to those around us - so we all can thrive!
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    52 min
  • Revolutionary Goddess is here! The cosmo's effect on us during this Energy Gateway
    Dec 13 2013
    We continue to experience much cosmic & galactic activity influencing us (WAY more than we tend to give credence to. In the yogic tradition, being tuned into cosmic activity is part of yoga and Ayurveda - their medicine - traditional yoga studios close on the full moon.) Right now we are experiencing energies coming at our planet in this new Energy Gateway between 12/12/13 thru the Winter Solstice on the 21st up through mid January. This gateway is flushing and attuning our systems to contain more light. Our bodies being purged of heaviness & density so there may be some discomfort. Or if you've already been paying attention to your inner world & clearing out old beliefs, blocks & heaviness, you may feel hyper, energized and ready to PLAY! Now is the time for us to create the lives we desire! These energies are HUGELY supportive of easily creating projects, ventures, etc w/more ease & abundance - as long as they're in alignment - than ever before. Learn how to take advantage of these energies so you - and we all - can thrive!
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    58 min
  • You Are More Than Just Your Mind & Thoughts! Teachings on Detachment & Self-Mastery
    Dec 6 2013
    What if you didn’t have a block? What if the idea that you have a block is just another way your mind chooses to sabotage your efforts to go beyond what you've been before? What would you be like if you had your mind be serviceable to your mind-body-spirit's needs, rather than the mind running the show? AND you had yourself clear - or at the very least detachment from - the thoughts/beliefs/perceptions that you even HAD blocks? We're talking about a level of Self Management and Self Mastery that allows for you to move forward into more freedom with creating the life you desire. So What if There's Nothing Wrong?, the title of my first book, is explored here in application to increasing your ability to Observe your mind's thoughts while having detachment from them so you can realize YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR MIND! so you can - and we all can - thrive in this new time of increased light, ease, joy and ability to receive support to create our best lives ever!
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    57 min