This series is being brought to you in celebration of Dr. Denise Swett and her love, commitment and service to higher education. As a seasoned professional and dear friend, Denise touched the lives of thousands of students and administrators. In this episode, San Lu and Gail Rulloda of Napa Valley College shared their approach to leadership in their work with Disability Support Programs & Services (DSPS).
San and Gail generously shared an extensive list of resources for us to use in our work:
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2009). Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete. Harvard Educational Review, 79(2), 181–194.
- Stanton-Salazar, R. D. (2011). A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents and Their Role in the Empowerment of Low-Status Students and Youth. Youth & Society, 43(3), 1066–1109.
- Becoming Student-Ready College: A New Culture of Leadership for Student Success
- Miller, P. M., Brown, T., & Hopson, R. (2011). Centering Love, Hope, and Trust in the Community: Transformative Urban Leadership Informed by Paulo Freire. Urban Education, 46(5), 1078–1099.
- Chosen Strategies for Revolutionary Leadership
- Nevarez, C. & Wood, J.L., (2013) Leadership Theory and the Community College: Applying Theory to Practice
- Subini, A. et al. (2013) Dis/ability critical race studies (DisCrit): Theorizing at the intersections of race and dis/ability
- Ferri, B. A., Annamma, S. A., Connor, D. J. (2007) Critical Conversations Across Race and Ability