How Can you Create a Case for CX
1. finding a sponsor and gathering a team that is cross-functional, but that is bought in is
2. You get that buy-in by building a burning platform where you can use analytics to demonstrate
the potential value of the work.
a. LTV – Lifetime value
b. One I love to quote is even a single point improvement in customer satisfaction can
correlate to 2% revenue growth for a company.
Is there something that gets skipped in the clients you work with?
1. Get the sponsor and cross -collaboration
2. Build the burning platform
3. Don't assume everything, but you actually talk to your customers.
(whether internal or external – you have to make sure that there is a research and an insight
based foundation to the work) – even if you have – there is opportunity to revisit and optimize
How do you get cross-collaboration?
I’m a big proponent of building a small SWAT team (1-3 members) that represent the areas that will be
impacted (not necessarily the most senior person). But the ones who will be change agents later in
helping to roll out the solutions and program later.
How important do you feel the Employee Experience piece is in leading change?
I say investment in employee experience is investment in customer experience.
What advice do you have for new CX Leaders on how to approach building collaboration across the
You are immersed in the topic, in the details of CX. You are working on that all the time, so how could
anyone not get that CX is important? As a CX professional, you are one of the most immersed in the
topic in the organization. Avoid making assumptions with that in mind.
Use storytelling – not just insights – to demonstrate the importance of that work.
Find a couple of executive sponsors who are critically connected and immersed in this work (might be
tech, marketing, other) to be part of the effort.
Final thoughts/advice:
Start. You can get somewhere when you start somewhere. It doesn’t have to be huge – just start.
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