
  • Introduction to Soul Alignment Series
    Feb 3 2023

    This is an introduction to the series of eight episodes to help you align with the essence of you soul. These messages are meant to ignite within you a rememberance and deepen your connection to the essence of your soul. 

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    3 min
  • Episode 1: Letting Go
    Feb 6 2023

    In this Episode, I discuss the importance of getting better acquainted with Letting Go and releasing everything that no longer serves you in your life.

    It's followed by a 15 min breathing meditation that focuses being in a surrendered state.

    Meditation begins 14:20 (time stamp)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • Episode 2:Trusting your Inner Wisdom
    Feb 8 2023

    In this Episode, I discuss the concept of trust.  What it means to trust and what is it we are trusting in?

    Key topics in this conversation include: Intuition, inner guidance system, overriding the mental control mechanism and much more

    The guided meditation following the message leads you into a deeper state of inner presence. Feeling the stillness within to better access your inner guidance system.

    Meditation begins 23:20 (time stamp)

    Bonus meditation: Fear and Doubt

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Episode 2 (BONUS): Releasing Fear And Doubt
    Feb 8 2023

    This is an additional meditation to guide you through the fear and the doubt that arises.  In this meditation, I guide you using your breath to help you shift the lower frequencies that come up and show you ways to move throught the difficult energies that come up to be transformed. 

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    23 min
  • Episode 3: Seeking Truth
    Feb 10 2023

    In this Episode, I discuss the concept of truth.  What does it mean to be truth, to live truth? What is this truth?

    Key topics in this conversation include:

    The realization of self, the soul-self vs. the identified-self, removing the veil of illusion created by the mind and living our soul purpose.

    The mediation explores finding, and being in your inner sanctuary to listen to the soul-self!

    Meditation begins 19:30 (time stamp)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • Episode 4: Acceptance
    Feb 13 2023

    In this episode I discuss ways to become more accepting of life's challenges, how to perceive these challenges from a greater perspective, and how to develop greater acceptance of self and others. 

    As you walk the path of purpose, you begin to see that all the challenges that life presents you are in fact laid out for you in such a way to prepare you to fulfill your purpose. These experience are simply a contrast to help your soul evolve. 

    The more you can accept life as it is, the easier you can flow with it rather than resist it. 

    Key topics in this conversation include: Acceptance of life, of self and of others. Releasing control and judgments. Navigating the cycle of change for the soul's evolution.

    The mediation explores finding, and being in a place of acceptance to allow life to unfold.

    Meditation begins 20:05 (time stamp)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min
  • Episode 5: Elevate Your Vibration
    Feb 14 2023

    In this Episode, I discuss what it means when people say “Raise your vibration” , why it’s important and how is this achieved.

    I cover how your thoughts and emotions are frequency and/or vibration that create form (matter) and that our state of consciousness reflects the quality of our thoughts.

    Key topics in this conversation include:

    Vibration, frequency, thougths, emotions, consciousness, evolution and much more.

    The guided meditation included guides you into a higher state of vibration connecting to your heart energy and your I am presence consciousness.

    Meditation begins 22:40 (time stamp)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • Episode 6: Choosing Sovereignty
    Feb 15 2023

    In this Episode, I discuss the power of choosing to be a sovereign self

    The discussion in the audio speaks of choosing, choosing to let your soul lead, or letting you mind control you.

    Sovereignty is about freedom, its about claiming your own path and be the creator of your life.  It is about shifting from the perception that life is happening to you and you are along for the ride to being in the alchemist of the life you are destined to live.

    Living with purpose is following the path of sovereignty, the path of the soul that leads to fulfilment and unity.

    Key topics in this conversation include:

    Creator consciounsness, choosing the path of purpose, removin illusions, being the authority of self.

    The guided meditation that follows opens you to a greater state of consciousness as you bring your mind into alignment with your heart.

    Meditation begins 22:00 (time stamp)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min