
  • 53: Bangarang
    May 25 2021

    "Bangarang!” is the battle cry of the Lost Boys in Hook as they take part in the most extraordinary food fight in cinematic history. It’s this very scene that inspired my kids to suggest a messy, sticky, ooey-gooey kick off to summer break.

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 53] as Abbi relays the tips, tricks, and experience her kids had as they squirted, threw, and flung all sorts of food.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

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    9 min
  • 52: Celebrate Good Times
    May 11 2021

    Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, baby showers, girls’ nights…so many occasions to celebrate. But how do we do it “right”…and what does that even mean?!

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 52] as Abbi shares the experiences she’s had and how celebrating has evolved over the past decade.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Woodland Themed 1st Birthday (Part 1 & Part 2)

    Construction Site Themed 2nd Birthday (Details post & Party pics by Abi Ruth)

    Baby Girl’s 1st Birthday

    Monster Artist Party


    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

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    14 min
  • 51: Relationship Relay
    Apr 27 2021

    Community is one of the most rewarding aspects of life of Earth. So…when is the last time you intentionally had conversations to get to know your people better? How often do you sit with them, give them your full attention, and ask questions that give you a glimpse into their thoughts and passions? If you are longing to create a deeper sense of unity in your relationships, this event is one you can tailor to suit your needs.

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 51] as Abbi outlines the why and how behind planning a Relationship Relay of your own.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Table number holders

    Name Tags

    Service Bell; Megaphone Bullhorn :)

    Relationship Relay questions printable


    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

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    16 min
  • 50: What I'm Loving Now
    Apr 13 2021

    Even when your schedule is crazy-busy, you need some simple routines and tools that help you feel like yourself: Music. Self-care. Spiritual enrichment. Goal tending. Mental stimulation. Treats.

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 50] as Abbi shares some of the items in her life that are keeping her going during a season of going-going-going.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    AWANA Clubs

    Tyndale NLT Inspire Bible

    “100 Days of Bible Promises”


    Energy Fizz Sticks

    EO rollers for DIY moisturizer

    Little Voice on Apple TV+

    Ally Banking

    Little Polka Dot


    Prime Climb


    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

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    23 min
  • 49: Anniversary 3
    Mar 30 2021

    Happy THREE YEARS, my darlings! It has been such a fun experience to produce this podcast and to have you listen along! Thank you for being the reason I do what I do here on the podcast.

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 49] as Abbi looks back on some of her favorite segments from the show as well as submissions from listeners relating their favorite aha moments or how creativity manifests itself in their lives.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Find my friend and fellow Podcast producer, Rachael Jamison, here.

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

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    21 min
  • 48: Unpacking Disappointment
    Mar 16 2021

    Many times in life, circumstances turn out just fine and we breathe a sigh of relief. But what do you do when the means to the end were less than fulfilling? Should we just brush it off and be thankful things didn’t end up any worse?

    We have cliches like, “All’s well that ends well,” but that thinking can be dangerous if it causes us to stuff down our feelings about the journey. Does it have to be either/or? Can’t it be both/and? Let’s find out together.

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 48] as Abbi explores the process of reflecting on disappointment and how asking ourselves some hard questions can help us appreciate both the journey and the outcome.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Download the “Unpacking Disappointment” printable here.

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

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    12 min
  • 47: Fluffy Bunny Reinvented
    Mar 2 2021

    When the weather causes power outages, or screen time is cut short because the parents are fed up with the sour attitudes caused by too much zoning out, what’s a kid to do? Well…anything! In fact, it’s quite possible that when a child (or really, a person of any age) is “bored,” this is also when they have the highest likelihood of coming up with amazing ideas.

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 47] as Abbi considers the value in boredom and shares a game her kids created that you can play at home, too.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Jumbo Foam Dice (set of 2) (you can also sometimes find these at party or toy stores)

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • 46: Life Assessment
    Feb 16 2021

    No matter what age or stage of life you are, it’s natural to occasionally ask yourself questions such as, “Is this all there is to life?”, “Am I the person I truly want to be?”, “Am I content, or does it feel like something is missing?”

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 46] as Abbi shares some thoughts on assessing where we are in life and how to work toward becoming who God is calling us to be.


    People, Places & Things in This Episode:

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram

    ZasinZebra.com, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

    Support the show by making a donation

    Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store For the same price you’d pay for your items anyway, you can support the Creative Mama Podcast by shopping through this link. Thanks for your patronage!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min