
  • 34 Lessons From 34 Years
    Jul 31 2023

    I love my 30s. I feel like for the first time since college I’ve hit a new burst of energy for life that I’d lost for a while and I’m learning again. I feel like so much of the first 3 decades of my life were based on learning skills and tasks. Things you have to learn but for the first time in my life I’m learning simply from a place of desire, not requirement and it’s so freeing and inspiring. 

    So as my birthday approached (July babies! Woot Woot!) I was thinking about some of the things I’ve learned in my life that everyone should know. So here they are in no particular order, my stream of consciousness.

    1. Family is everything - but you also get to pick some of your family and it’s okay to end relationships with family members who hurt you. 

    2. Real friends accept your flaws and inspire you to be your best.

    3. Jealousy is a wasted emotion.

    4. Avoid mixing liquors. And always drink water before, during, and after when you’re drinking booze. 

    5. Having a positive mindset is essential but you’re allowed to have bad days just don’t stay in them.

    6. Most things are easier to do than we think they are. The real challenge is making yourself do them. 

    7. It’s good to have goals you’re working towards but sometimes it’s good to have a season of contentment where you enjoy where you are. We live in a world and if you’re in the U.S. you know everyone seems to be working towards something until retirement. A diploma, a degree, a family, a house, a job, a promotion, a raise….and on and on. But we also need to sit in our victories the same way we do our losses and appreciate how far we’ve come and what we’ve accomplished. 

    8. Give people their flowers. Telling some random woman at the store her dress is cute might not mean much to you but it might brighten her day. Spread love.

    9. Be aware of the type of content you’re consuming. I enjoy true crime but I limit it. The world has some dark stuff in it and I think it’s good to be aware but not consumed. 

    10. Always carry water and some kind of snack. 

    11. No is a complete sentence. 

    12. You don’t have to have all the answers,

    13. Before you ask a question to someone else, ask yourself if you could google this. 

    14. It’s okay to ask for what you want or deserve. It’s sometimes the only way you’ll get it. Instead, the person is waiting for you to ask or they can’t give you what you need and then you can open space for someone who can. This goes for business and relationships.

    15. Never stop learning. Sign up Wondrium,

    16. Use your vacation days. Even if you’re the next Derek Sheppard, someone else can fill in for you.

    17. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. 

    18. Naps aren’t just for kids.

    19. Check yourself and check in with yourself often. 

    20. If you have always wanted to xyz then figure out how you can do it. 

    21. Hire people to do things when you can’t. -Experts, people who will charge you less an hour than you make an hour. 

    22. Trust your gut AFTER you learn how to read it. 

    23. Cry. 

    24. Tell people you love them every chance you get. 

    25. Forgive yourself. You are always going to be the only person you can 100% say you’ll have, forgive yourself. It’s hard to live with someone you’re mad at or don’t trust. 

    26. Go on dates. With your partner, with your friends, and with yourself. 

    27. You are complete on your own. Anyone who comes into your life and improves it is just a bonus.

    28. Get out of bad situations as fast as you can.

    29. Pay attention to not just what people say but what they do. 

    30.  Everyone gets embarrassed. Everyone has fears. If they say they don’t they might have more fears and embarrassment than us all. 

    31. If a movie is terrible, you don’t have to watch the whole thing. 

    32. Laugh, it’s the best medicine. Spend time with the people who make you laugh. Find that stupid thing that you might be embarrassed about that makes you laugh and enjoy it.

    33. Don’t buy cheap foil… It’s not worth it. You use more of the cheap stuff and it rips easily. 

    34. Age is just a number.


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    31 min
  • Representations of Mental Health in Pop Culture
    Feb 8 2023

    This episode is an open love letter to the song Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold. This song is one of the first songs that summed up an intense time in my mental health journey.

    This episode is also an invitation to share which examples in pop-culture made you feel seen and less alone. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min
  • Mental Health Lessons From a Year of Self Work
    Jan 24 2023

    After a long unschedule hiatus. Creatives Crushing Anxiety is back! Our host Dia Darling, dives into where she's been, where she's going and her 2023 word of the year. In this episode you'll also learn about the powerful shifts and changes Dia made in 2022 to live her best life.

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    24 min
  • PART 3: Support Systems & Taking Actions
    Nov 10 2021

    In this episode of Creatives Crushing Anxiety, I wrap up the 3-part series The Balanced Business Experience in Action where I take you through my seven-step methodology and how I used it to buy my first house. In this episode, we dive into the final steps which are support systems and taking action. 


    Learn more about the Balanced Business Experience here: https://diadarling.lpages.co/coaching/

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    13 min
  • Part 2: Challenges, Goals and Action Plans
    Oct 26 2021

    In part 2 of The Balanced Business Experience in Action, I share how I used steps 3-5 of my methodology to buy my first house this year.  

    In this episode: 

    How to identify the challenges to accomplishing your goal. 

    Setting micro-goals to get you to macro wins 

    Creating a plan of action and new habits to keep your goals on track. 


    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min
  • PART 1: Values & Priorities + Current Reality Work
    Oct 13 2021

    In part 1 of this series, I share the first step in The Balanced Business Methodology Values and Priorities and how I used it to buy a house this year.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Why You Need A Plan For Your Business
    Oct 5 2021

    In the season 4 premiere of Creatives Crushing Anxiety,  I share the reasons you need to have a plan for your business.  Inspired by an old post, Yes, You Need A Business Plan I shift gears and talk about why you need a plan for your business even if it’s not a traditional business plan. 


    In this episode: 

    • How a plan for your business can help you make consistent income. 
    • How you can create realistic expectations with your business plan. 
    • How clarity around what you offer and who you help can improve your marketing and attract the right clients.
    • How having a well-thought-out plan can keep you in check with your progress and alert you when it’s time to shift your plan.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min
  • May 2021 Biz + Life Update
    May 11 2021

    This week on Creatives Crushing Anxiety, I wanted to catch you up on all the things. This is a general update on me and all the things. 

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    17 min